Kou x reader lemon

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"Neko-chan~ where are you~?" Kou's voice echoed around the Mukami mansion. Right now you were hiding inside a closet. 'How did this happen?!'


"Neko-chan! Let's play a game!" You looked up from your book and saw a very happy kou. "A...game?" You ask tilting your head. Kou smiled as he nods and holds a finger up on the air. "Yep! A game!" He said happily. You looked at him suspiciously not trusting the blonde idol.

"I don't know..." You trailed off as your eyes went back to your book. Kou chuckled as he was suddenly in front of you. "Come on Neko-chan! It'll be fun!" He cheered. You sighed putting your head down. "Fine." You mumble in defeat.

Kou smiles as he does a victory dance. "Yay! Ok let's play hide and seek! If I fined you then you have to do whatever I say! But if you win I won't drink your blood for a whole month!" He said. You looked at him and sighed but nodded. "Ok! Ready set go!" He yelled as he closed his eyes and started counting.

You took off running. 'This is stupid...he can smell me so what's the point?' You thought annoyed. You ran into a closet and say down waiting for kou to come and find you.

~back to the present~

You sighed and put your head to your knees. "All I wanted to do was relax." You whispered quietly. Suddenly the doors burst open catching you by surprise as you jumped and let out a squeak. You heard a very familiar laugh as you turned and saw kou in the door way of the closet.

He looked down at you and smirked. "I found you." He whispered his right eye glowing red. "Neko-chan."

~time skip~

You were in your room pressed down on your back as kou hovered above you smirking his eyes filled with hunger and need. "So...what is it you want me to do?" You asked a little embarrassed. It's true you have had a big crush on kou for a long time but you kept it a secret not wanting to get to much involved in him.

Kou chuckled as he brought a hand up to you cheek and stroked it lovingly. "Well Neko-chan I'm going to steal something that only I can take." He said huskily. Your eyes widen when you realize what he meant and a deep blush comes to you cheeks.

"Y-your joking r-right?" You stutter out looking him dead in the eye. "No I'm not." He said in a deep voice as he leaned in closer to you. His lips were inches from yours as he stared deep into your eyes. "Mine." He whispered and pressed his lips onto yours.

Your eyes widen in shock as you also blush heavily. Kou your crush was stealing your first kiss! You were to dazed by this that you didn't realize kou strip you of your clothes his hands traveling up your sides.

When you finally realized it was to late. Kou had grabbed your breasts and was massaging them as he hovered over you. "K-kou!" You stutter out as you try to push him away. BAD. IDEA. When you tried to do that kou glared down at you deadly causing you to freeze.

He growled lowly as he sat up and teleported away leaving you alone confused and embarrassed. "That was close...to think...that my crush..." You stopped when you felt arms wrap around you. Your body froze as your eyes widen.

"Hmm? What was that Neko-chan?" Kou chuckled from behind as he nipped at your ear. "Your crush? And tell me that crush is me?" He asked teasingly as his hands traveled down to your sides squeezing them tight.

You gasp and also flinch a little in pain. "K-kou that hurts." You whimper. Kou smirks as he licks up your neck and starts to suck on your sweet spot. "Good~" he purred sinking his fangs into your skin. You flinch in pain but try to hold it in.

As kou drank your blood his hands played with your chest. You felt something poke you from behind and you blushed furiously knowing damn well what that thing was. Kou pulled away and sighed as he closed his eyes.

"Awe! I was thinking I could control myself!" He whined. He opened his eyes a little and smirked at you. "Well then." He started as he trailed his hands down to your thighs and gripped them tight. "Looks like we'll have to make this quick huh?" He asks.

He quickly flips you over onto the bed with him hovering over you as he looks down at you with lust filled eyes. "Ready? (Y/N)?" He asks deeply. You blush when he uses your name. "We can't take our time tho....stupid manager needs me soon." He mumbles annoyed.

He looks back up at you and smiles. "All well!" And with that he smashed his lips onto your as he quickly entered you causing you to scream in pain. Kou's lips made your screams muffled as he slid his tongue into your mouth and explored all around.

He started to thrust into you as he cupped your cheeks and deeper the kiss even more. You had tears streaming down your face at the pain but yet also the pleasure. After what seemed like forever kou pulled away panting as he kept thrusting into you a blush on his cheeks.

"(Y/N)...(Y/N)..." He kept panting as he thrusted deeper into you. You were moaning and panting a deep blush on your cheeks as drool slipped down your chin. Kou saw this and it drove him crazy. You were just to cute for your own good and kou loved that.

He loved everything about you and it drive him mad. He wanted all of you just for himself...and he was going to get just that. As kou thrusted into you a few more times he could feel himself about to cum. "Tch." He grit his teeth as he lifted you up.

"K-kou! I-I'm gonna!" He knew what you were going to say and kissed you passionately savoring every bit of you. After a while you came and kou moaned deeply as your walls tightened around him causing him to release inside of you.

Kou pulled out if you and laid you down on the bed. You passed out and fell asleep. Kou tucked you in and got dressed as he sat on the side of your bed looking at your sleeping face. He smiled a little as he stroked your hair and leaned down kissing you softly as he stood back up.

He walked to the door and looked back at you one more time a big smile on his face along with a small blush.

"I'm glad I could have you Neko-chan! I love you!"


Next up!

Ruki x reader lemon

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Older brother Subaru x little sister reader

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Ruki x reader

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Shu x reader x Yuma lemon

Shu x reader x ruki lemon 

Shu x reader

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