Big brother Kino x little sister reader part 2

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"There you are." You whispered standing on top of a building across the school. Your eyes narrowed when you saw the red headed vampire and the human girl. The breeze blew past you causing your hair to sway. "I've finally found you."

~time skip~

You stood there dressed up in a school uniform. 'These humans aren't that hard to control. Honestly I didn't think it would be this easy.' You thought standing in front of your new class. "Ok class! Please welcome our new student!" The teacher cheered.

You took in a deep breath as you entered the room. "Hello my name is (Y/n). It's a pleasure to meet you." You said properly as you took a bow. Everyone stared at you in awe. You looked around the room as the teacher continued to speak. Your eyes soon landing on the human girl known as Eve.

A small smirk appeared on your face. "Now where would you like to sit?" She asked happily. You looked around seeing Ayato Sakamaki his brother Kanato and the girl Yui. Nodding your head you slowly walked towards the desk you chose carefully taking a seat.

The teacher smiled at they began their lesson. "H-hello." A quiet voice stuttered. You glanced over seeing Yui looking at you a small smile on her face. "M-my name is Yui Komori. Nice to meet you." She whispered softly. You looked at her expressionless before putting on a fake smile.

"I'm (Y/n)." You said. She gave you a small smile before going paying attention to the lesson. You frowned disgusted. 'Just you wait...I'll make sure you suffer.' You thought to yourself. 'You and that damned Ayato.'

~A few months later~

You sighed yawning as you shut your locker. For the past few months you had become "friends" with Yui. Of course that meant you had to talk to the brothers as well but you had to put up with it. "(Y/n)-chan!" The familiar and annoying voice of Yui called.

You sighed before putting on a fake smile and turning in her direction. "Yui-chan! Hello!" You laughed sweetly. Ayato had been trailing behind her grumbling to himself. When Yui reached you she seemed more happy than usual. "Aren't you excited? Tonight's supposed to be the schools dance!" She laughed.

'Gross.' You thought mentally gagging. Ayato glanced at you and smirked slightly. "Something wrong (Y/n)?" He asked chuckling to himself. " not at all." You laughed. "Heh I bet you can't dance." He teased poking your forehead. "Ayato! Stop teasing me!" You whined.

Yui giggled slightly at that. "It's almost like you two are dating." She giggled. The two of you looked at her both yelling. "LIKE HELL!" This caused the two of you to glare at each other. 'Like I'd ever date that worthless piece of scum.' You thought.

Your blood boiled just at the thought. Yui only giggled before going and taking your hands in hers. "I was only kidding. Don't worry (Y/n)-chan the day will come when you find the one you love." She said. Ayato scoffed turning his head. Your eyes dimmed slightly.

"The one I love...tch. You took him away from me." You whispered coldly. Yui tilted her head slightly confused. "Huh? What was that?" She asked. You looked up at her and smiled a sweet smile. "Oh! I was just saying how I can't wait for that day to come!" You cheered.

Yui smiled nodding her head. Just then Reiji had appeared telling the both of them to hurry up. "Bye (Y/n)! You're coming to the dance right?!" She asked waving you goodbye. You waved back a giant smile on your face. "Haha! Of course!" They both walked off leaving you alone in the hall.

Once they were gone your expression became one of hate. "I wouldn't want to miss your painful death." You spoke smirking.

~at the dance~

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