Kanato x reader x laito

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Requested by Element117vq

You sat at your seat quietly as you took down notes for the days lesson. "Ne teddy...what do you want to do later?" You heard the familiar voice of your classmate kanato mumble. You glance over at his seat and see him talking to his teddybear. You never really understood Kanato.

Ever since you met him you took a certain interest. "...." you didn't say anything as you went back to taking your notes. 'He's such a strange boy....but the way he talks to his teddybear and acts is so cute.' You thought smiling slightly.

~time skip~

You sighed as you sat alone at the lunch table way off in the corner. You didn't have any friends manly because all the girls were either sluts, stuck up bitches and just plain mean. You pulled out your favorite book along with some sweets and started reading.

As you're reading you hear squeals coming from one of the tables. You glance up only to see the biggest perverted fuckboy of the school. Laito Sakamaki. You watched as he flirted with all the girls surrounding him.

He disgusted you. The way he so easily flirted and used girls was just wrong. You happened to be the only girl who didn't like him. You must have been staring for a long time because you noticed Laito smirking at you. You looked at him as he winked at you and scoffed going back to your book.

"Hey...teddy wants to know if we can sit here." A familiar voice spoke causing you to jump slightly. You quickly look over only to see Kanato staring right at you. "O-oh...umm...of course." You whispered shyly.

No one ever talked to you so when Kanato started speaking you had no idea what to say. Kanato sat down next to you as he held teddy close. You tried to focus more on your book but couldn't due to being nervous. You sighed closing the book and placing it down.

"Ano....is there something you need Kanato-Kun?" You asked quietly. Kanato looked at you for a moment before pointing over to your sweets. "....we ran out." He mumbled hiding half of his face behind teddy. You blinked a few times before smiling a small but soft smile.

"Ah I see." You said reaching for two bags of sweets and placing them in front of him. "Here I'll give you two bags that way you and Teddy-Kun can each have some." You said sweetly. Kanato blinked a few times before nodding as he opened a bag and started eating some of the sweets.

You smiled only for it to quickly disappear once you heard a familiar laugh coming from in front of you. "Fufufu~ what's this~? Kanato-Kun is making friends with the little nerd-chan~?" Laito asked chuckling. You growled slightly glaring at him.

Kanato was just about to put a sweet in his mouth but stopped when hearing this. "Shut up Laito. You're making me and teddy angry." He said his usual tone replaced with a dark one. Laito chuckled. "My. My. Why's that~? I only wanted to come and see my little cutie." Laito said taking your chin and tilting your head up.

Your eyes lock causing Laito to blush slightly as he smirked. "Ah~ that hateful expression is so nice~ I wonder what other ones you can make~" Laito said dreamingly. You glared at him and tried to pull away only for his grip to tighten. "Now~ now~ don't be like that~ I've been watching you for a long time (y/n)-chan~"

Kanato hadn't made a single move nor spoken. "I think I've fallen in love~" Laito said blushing even more. "You fall in love? Yeah right." You said coldly. Just as Laito opened his mouth to speak you were roughly pulled back by an angry Kanato.

"Go away. She doesn't need you to make her cry or use her for sex." Kanato said gripping your arm as if his life depended on it. "Hmm? What's this~? Are you perhaps in love with her as well~?" Laito asked smiling although his eyes told a different story.

"I've known (n/n)-chan longer then you. She belongs to me and teddy." Kanato said. You couldn't help but to blush slightly as the two kept talking. 'Honestly...I wish they'd just go away...I'm so nervous.' You thought.

Suddenly Laito said something that caught you by surprise. "Find then~ by the end of this year whoever gets (y/n)-chan to fall in love with them first wins~ how does that sound~?" You were about to object but Kanato beat you too it. "Fine." He growled. You sat there watching as they both glare at each other.

"I won't let you have her."

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