Dominant Ayato x reader x Dominant Kou lemon

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You sighed happily as you listened to Kou's new album. "Wah! How can he be such an amazing singer?!" You whined rolling around on your bed. "Who are you talking about (y/n)-San?" You looked over seeing Yui staring at you with a confused and innocent expression.

"Ah! I didn't know you were in here Yui!" You said jumping up smiling at her. "I was just admiring Kou's new album." You said picking up the case and showing it to her. She examined it and smiled. "I didn't know his new album was released yet." She said.

"Ehe....yeah." You said looking away. "Unless Kou-Kun decided to give it to you early." She said smiling. You coughed slightly looking away even more. Yui giggled as she placed the case down on your bed. "Just don't let Ayato-Kun know~ he'd get jealous~" She teased walking out of your room.

You sat there silently and hummed. "Of course he'd be jealous." You mumbled. "That's just the type of vampire he is." You sighed laying down. You closed your eyes in thought. 'Honestly these two...when will they give up?' You thought. 'It was a one time thing...and besides...I was drunk.' You sighed.


"Huh? You want me to go drinking?!" You asked from your desk. Laito stood there smiling 'innocently'. "Awe~ come on~ it can't be that bad~" He said. You sighed putting your books away. "As if I'd go drinking with you alone." You scoffed. "Oh~? I didn't say it would just be the two of us~"

This got your attention as you stopped looking up at him. "Oh? And who else is going?"

~time skip~

Your eye twitched. "Laito." You growled. "Hmm~?" He hummed glancing over at you. "Why are Kou and Ayato here?" You asked. The two males smiled at you. "Hello S Neko-chan~!" Kou cheered happily. "Oi don't think you can go anywhere without Ore-sama." Ayato said.

You just sighed shaking your head. "Honestly you two." You grumbled. "Come on~" Laito said putting an arm over your shoulders. "It'll be fun~" he finished. You looked at him for a moment and sighed. "Why the hell not." You grumbled. Laito cheered as the four of you walked into the bar.

'I know I'm gonna regret this.'

~time skip~

I sat there my head spinning as I rested it on the counter. Laito was busy flirting with the girls while Ayato talked to some of the guys laughing. "You ok?" Kou asked tilting his head. You look at him and nod. "I think I drank too much." You mumbled holding your head.

Kou looked at you for a moment. Your cheeks were all red bf your breathing was more heavy then usual. His eyes darkened slightly. "Maybe I should take you home." He said placing a hand on your shoulder. You glanced over at him and nod. "Yeah...maybe." You mumbled.

Kou smiled brightly. "Of course! You don't want Laito or Ayato to take you home~! They might do something naughty~!" He said happily. Ayato heard this and looked over at the two of you his eyes narrowing. Kou helped you stand up as the two of you made your way out of the bar.

Ayato stood up saying goodbye to the guys he was talking to and quietly followed after the two.

~time skip~

You were slammed up against the wall as Kou roughly kissed you. You whimpered slightly as you sunk into the kiss closing your eyes. Kou pulled away panting slightly as he smiled. "Ah~ I finally get to have you all to myself S Neko-chan~" he said happily as he went and started to kiss your neck.

You let out a few quiet moans causing Kou to smirk. Just as he was about to sink his fangs into your neck he was stopped when a voice spoke. "Oi. What do you think you're doing taking Ore-sama's property." Kou glanced back his eyes slightly narrowed.

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