Subaru x depressed pianist reader

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~don't play video just yet~

You sighed as you sat through another one of your classes. You listened carefully to the teachers lesson although you didn't find any of it interesting you knew that your parents would be very disappointed in you.

You were an A class student and you were amazing at the piano. Your parents only ever "loved" you if you did good. You hated it...all those people who payed attention to you saying they were your friends...they were all lies. They didn't care about who you were all they cared about was...your fame.

"Alright class make sure you all complete the five page essay about what makes your life great and why." Your teacher said happily. Everyone nods as they pack up their stuff. You sat there quietly staring out the window. You loved the night sky. It brought you peace.

"Oh! Miss (y/l/n)! I didn't think you'd still be here!" Your teacher said happily as they smiled brightly at you. You looked over at them putting on a fake smile. "Ah sorry! I guess I got distracted again!" You cheered.

"Haha! It's ok! Have a nice night!" You smiled waving goodbye as you left the room. Once you made sure no one was around your smile returned to your normal frown. You sighed walking down the halls. You looked down at your test seeing the B+.

Your eyes narrowed. "They aren't gonna be happy about this..." you whispered. Just then you bumped into someone causing you to fall down. "Ouch." You whispered rubbing your butt. "Tch. Watch where you're going." A voice grumbled. You looked up only to see a hand held out in front of you.

"Well? Are you just gonna sit there like a moron or are ya gonna take my hand?" You look up further only to see a boy with white hair and red eyes. He looked down at you with a cold expression. "Yeah.." you mumbled taking his hand.

He easily lifted you up before bending down and picking up your test. "Hm. Nice grade." He mumbled handing it to you. You didn't say anything as you just sighed taking back your test and stuffing it in your bag. "Not really. My parents are gonna be disappointed." You grumbled.

The boy looked at you with a confused frown. "What are you talking about?" He asked. You only glanced at him. "Forget it. It doesn't matter." You mumbled walking past him. As you did you suddenly tripped falling flat on your face. I slowly sat up glaring back at the guy.

"Oops my bad." He said a dark aura around him as he smiled a pissed off smile. Sparks shot between us. "You dick." I hissed. "What was that? I don't speak klutz." Just as you was about to speak someone shouted from behind you. "Subaru! Hurry up! Reiji's getting impatient!"

You looked back seeing Ayato Sakamaki. 'Now I know who this is.' You thought looking back at the guy. "Subaru Sakamaki. Also known as the schools short tempered Albino." You said standing up. Subaru glared at you.

"Yeah and you're (y/n) (y/l/n) the schools miss perfect." He spat. You hummed. "Never thought I'd bump into a car." You said walking away. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?!?!" You didn't bother to turn back as you continued walking out of the school.

Your eyes narrowed slightly as you frowned.

'Little miss perfect huh? Heh...not even close.'

~time skip~

You watched as both your parents looked at your test with such disappointed looks. "How awful! Our daughter is a slacker!" Your mother cried. "To think I'd have such a child." Your dad spat eyes filled with hate.

You said nothing as you just stood there with cold dull eyes. Your parents walked away from you. You looked down at your test that your father had thrown on the ground. Slowly you picked it up and stared at it.

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