Ayato x pregnant reader

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"...Shit..." You cursed as you stared down at the small plus sign. You let out a sigh holding your head. "What am I gonna tell him?" You mumbled before tossing the positive pregnancy test into the trash. You stood up and looked at yourself in the mirror.

"Well...at least it explains why I've been feeling so sick lately." You mumbled before leaving the bathroom. You walked over to your phone and dialed a number. You waited patiently for the person to pick up. "Hello? (Y/n)?" A familiar voice spoke.

"Ah...hello Reiji...I was wondering if the two of us could talk?"

~time skip~

You quietly sat in Reiji's room as he made some tea. "Would you like some?" He asked. "No thanks." You said giving him a small smile. He just nods his head before going and sitting across from you. "I'm surprised you wanted to see me and not Ayato." He said calmly.

"W-well...that's because...I can't tell Ayato...at least not until I figure out how to tell him." You said looking down at your hands. Reiji looked at you curiously before pushing up his glasses. "Why did you come here (Y/n)?" He asked eyes narrowing.

You slowly looked back up at him your eyes locking. "I'm pregnant." You said calmly. Neither of you said a word. You watched as Reiji slowly stood up and walked over to you. "Reiji?" You asked looking up at him. "You're positive?" He asked. You just nod your head.

"I see." He said pushing his glasses up again. You watched as he soon made his way to the door. He took in a deep breath before opening it. "AYATO!!!!!" He yelled loudly. "W-wait Reiji! I'm not ready to tell him yet!" You cried quickly standing up.

"Careful (Y/n). Stress isn't good for the baby." He said glancing back at you. You didn't say anything after that slowly sitting back down. 'Ugh...why me.' You thought sadly. Soon Ayato appeared right in front of you. "I thought I smelled you here." He said smirking slightly.

"It's rude to not show up at the door." Reiji sighed. Ayato just ignored him caging you between him and the chair. "Did you miss yours truly?" He asked confidently. "Ayato when you are in my room you will show manners." Reiji scolded glaring at your boyfriend.

Ayato just sighed moving away from you. "Yeah. Yeah. Whatever." He mumbled. "So what do you want? And why is (Y/n) in your room?" He asked glaring at Reiji. 'Ah yes...I forgot these two aren't really the best to be around at the same time.' You thought sweating slightly.

"Why don't you ask her?" Reiji said causing you to stiffen. Ayato looked down at you waiting for your answer. "(Y/n)." He demanded eyes narrowing. "W-well...I-I..." You started nervously. "Y-you know how I've been feeling sick this past month?" You asked softly.

"Yeah what about it? Are you sick with something bad?" He asked. You could see the look of worry quickly pass through his eyes causing you to feel bad. "W-well...I found out what was causing it." You said glancing over at Reiji. He looked at you giving a slight nod.

You took in a deep breath before looking up at him giving a small smile. "Well...I'm pregnant." You said laughing a nervous laugh. Ayato's eyes went wide in shock. "You're serious...?" He asked quietly. You could feel your anxiety starting to rise.

"Y-yeah..." You whispered. After a moment of silence a loud cheer could be heard. "YES!!!! ORE-SAMA IS AMAZING YET AGAIN!" He laughed proudly. You looked up at him shocked while Reiji just sighed shaking his head. "E-eh?" You asked.

He looked at you a proud smile on his face as he went and picked you up. "Time to go and brag about it right?" He asked smirking at you. "EH????" You asked again. Before you could even protest he was already teleporting you all over the place leaving Reiji alone to sigh once more.

"No manners..."

~time skip~

Throughout the day Ayato had teleported you all around the mansion bragging to each of his brothers before taking you to the Mukami house where he bragged to them as well. "Congratulations (Y/n)-San!" Yui cheered happily taking both of your hands.

You just smiled at her. "Thank you Yui." You laughed lightly. "Isn't it great? I'm the first one who's going to be a dad hahaha! How does that feel Ruki?" He asked looking over at Ruki who was smiling at you and Yui. "Congratulations (Y/n). I'm sure you and Yui will be great mothers." He said calmly.

This caused you and Ayato to look at him confused. "Huh?" You asked. You quickly looked over at Yui who was smiling as she placed her hands on her stomach. "We found out this morning." She said sweetly. This caused you to light up with pure joy.

"Congratulations Yui!" You said giving her a giant hug. She just laughed as she hugged you back. Meanwhile Ayato stood there annoyed while Ruki threw him a mocking look. "What's wrong? Aren't you happy? We are the first ones to be dad's after all." He said. This only caused Ayato to get more annoyed.

"(Y/n)!" He yelled causing you to look over at him. "Hm?" You asked tilting your head. "How long have you known?!" He asked. "Since this morning." You said bluntly. "What time?! Maybe it was earlier then pancake!" He yelled.

This caused Ruki to glare at him. You just sighed. "Ayato are you really trying to have a competition with Ruki about me and Yui being pregnant?" You asked. "Tch. As if Ore-sama would be jealous!" He yelled annoyed. You just rolled your eyes at him laughing slightly.

"Sure whatever you say Ayato." He just blushed glancing down at your stomach. "..." As you were talking you noticed him silently staring at you. You smiled a small smile at this. "Ayato come over here for a sec." you said motioning for him to come.

He did as told arms still crossed. "What?" He asked. You smiled as you gently took his hand and placed it on your stomach. "If you wanted to try and feel you could've just asked." You laughed at him. He only blushed at this looking away. "Ore-sama doesn't have to ask for permission!" He yelled.

You and Yui just smiled at each other while Ruki shook his head. "Would you girls like anything to eat or drink?" He asked. You and Yui smiled at him while Ayato continued to feel your stomach.

"I'll have (d/n) and (f/n))!" You both cheered only to look at each other and laugh. Ruki nods his head before looking down at Ayato who was cuddling up to your stomach. He smirked slightly before walking off.

You glanced down at Ayato and smiled shaking your head.

'Being a father can really bring out a different side of a man.'

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