Laito x baby reader

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"Oi Laito where are you going?" Ayato asked watching as his brother headed towards the door. "Hmm? Oh! Well I have somewhere to be!" Laito said happily. Ayato looked at him suspiciously. "...are you going to see her?" He asked. Laito's smile faded. "I don't think that's any of your concern." He said.

Ayato didn't say anything as he watched Laito leave. Sighing he shook his head. "I don't see why he doesn't just take her." He mumbled.

~Laito's POV~

I walked down the street humming. Today was a special day one I'm very proud of. I went and stopped in front of the familiar building smiling. "Oh! Laito-Kun! Hello!" The same girl greeted. "Why hello~ you're looking beautiful today~" I said flirting.

She rolled her eyes laughing. "Don't forget Laito I'm engaged." She said showing me that familiar ring. "Ah~ I forgot~ you're no longer mine~" I whined. "Whatever you say Laito-Kun." She said laughing. "She's upstairs." She whispered. I nod tilting my fedora as I walk upstairs down the familiar hall.

I stopped at the familiar room and quietly opened the door. "(Y/n)-chan~" I whispered walking into the room. I looked over at the crib and smiled quietly making my way over. I look down seeing the familiar face of the little girl I came to love so much.

"Fufufu~ still so cute~" I laughed. I went and sat down humming. 'How long has it been? Three months now?' I thought to myself closing my eyes. 'It has to be...' suddenly I heard a small cry. Opening my eyes I look over and see her crying. "Awe~ don't cry~" I said picking her up.

"Cute girls like you shouldn't be crying~ come on~ smile~" I teased. She looked at me with her big innocent (e/c) eyes. I smiled. Those eyes were the only thing that brought me peace now. "Laito-Kun is everything ok? I thought I heard (y/n) crying."

I look over seeing the girl with a worried expression. "She's fine~ I told her cute girls shouldn't cry~" I sang. She let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad. She had me worried for a second." She said smiling softly. I watched as she walked over to us glancing down at (y/n).

"She's a cute girl." She whispered. "You must be proud to have her as your-" I cut her off shaking my head. "Don't...I.. can't hear that word..." I whispered. She looked at me with a sad expression. "Laito-Kun...I know you didn't want that to happen...but...(m/n)-" my eyes went wide in anger.

"DON'T SAY HER NAME!" I yelled causing her to flinch and (y/n) to cry. I flinched slightly as I tried to calm her down. "No...don't cry...I'm sorry...I made you cry." I whispered. "...try singing to her." She whispered.

I looked at her confused. "She likes your voice." She added smiling that smile that melted my heart. "..." I stayed silent for a moment before looking back down at (y/n).

~play video~

I started to sing quietly a song I found most fitting for my situation. I gently held (y/n) watching as she slowly started to stop crying looking at me. I smiled slightly shutting my eyes as I spilled my heart out. Singing was the only thing I was good at along with playing the piano.

I was never good with relationships. I used girls for my own pleasure...that is until I met two girls very special. I felt the familiar scar on (y/n)'s neck causing me to grit my teeth. It was all my fault she had that scar all because I didn't want...I didn't want...

"(M/n)....I love you."

"Laito....w-what are you too"

I opened my eyes and glanced over at the girl I knew all too well. 'Yui...'

"L-Laito-kun what are you?!"

"Shh! No one needs to know~"

"B-but (m/n)!"

"It's ok...she cheated on me with Ayato so it's only fair right~?"

I looked down at (y/n) her eyes slowly starting to shut.

"Laito! How could you try and sleep with my sister?!"

"It's only fair right? You slept with my brother."

"Tch! To think I have your child inside me!"

My eyes narrowed as I stared down at (y/n) her sleeping face filled with peace and innocence. 'Innocent...unlike her mother...and myself.'

"(M/n)! What are you doing?!'

"I won't! I won't have this child! I won't let you have happiness!'

That day...(m/n) tried to stab (y/n) with a dagger. I wouldn't allow it. It wasn't right for a child to be killed because of what its parents did...I would parents...weren't anything to be proud of...and me? I'm not either. (Y/n)...your mother tried to kill you....and I ended up killing her.

I finished the song my eyes shadowed over as a tear ran down my face. "I'm sorry...I'm not fit to be your father..." I whispered placing her in her crib. "Laito-Kun." Yui spoke. "I want you to take (y/n) home." She whispered. " know I can't..." I whispered.

"Yes. You can. Laito-Kun...I haven't told Ruki-Kun yet but...I'm...pregnant." She whispered. My eyes went wide slightly as I looked at her. She smiled touching her stomach. "I don't think I'll be able to take care of two kids...and I've noticed that you've changed over these few months." She said.

"You're wrong." I mumbled tilting my fedora. "I should get back." I whispered walking towards the door. "You're not taking another step unless you take your daughter." I stopped looking in front of me only to see Ruki arms crossed. "R-Ruki-Kun?! H-how long have you-" Ruki cut Yui off.

"I heard everything." He said smiling at Yui. She was the only one who could make him smile. "I'm glad. I get to start my own family with you." He said softly. Yui blushed slightly as she looked down. "As for you." Ruki said eyes narrowing. "Start being a father. Don't be like Karlheinz." He said.

My eyes went wide slightly. "He was never there for you right? You and your brothers all suffered from both parents. Don't let that happen to (y/n). Her mother already made her suffer so don't let her father do the same." He said. I watched as he walked over to the crib gently picking up (y/n).

"As much as I've enjoyed raising her for these last three months I think it's time her real father takes her." He said kissing her head as he went and handed her to me. I looked down at her my hands shaking slightly. 'Can I a good father?' I thought.

"Come on." He said. I nod as I slowly take her from his arms. "...." I look at her with soft eyes and a small smile. "Now go and brag to the others." Yui giggled. I looked up at her and smiled. 'You've changed so much bitch-chan.' I thought. "Let me know when the baby arrives~ maybe it'll be a boy and (y/n) can have a boyfriend~" I teased.

"No." Ruki said eyes narrowing. "I love her but my son won't Mary your daughter." He said. I laughed before teleporting away back to the mansion. I walked into the living room causing everyone to look at me. "Bout time you brought her home." Ayato said smirking. I looked at Ayato eyes narrowed.

It's true I was mad at him for sleeping with (m/n) but I was happy to see (y/n) was mine. I'm still trying to get over what happened but it's taking time. I watched as he walked over and smirked down at (y/n). "Pffft." He laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked. The others started to laugh as well. "What?" I asked. "Ne teddy does Laito even know how to take care of a baby?" Kanato asked. That's when it hit me. I had no idea! Everyone laughed as I just stood there. "H-hey~ you guys can help me right~?" I chuckled nervously.

They all stopped laughing and looked away. "Guys~? Please~ help your brother~!" I whined. "Only on one condition." Reiji said pushing up his glasses. "I'll do it!" I said. "You haven't even heard what it was." Subaru said scoffing. "Too late he agreed~" Ayato said smirking.

"Then it's settled. You won't be sleeping or flirting with any other girls from now on." Reiji said. I went silent my eyes shadowing over. Shu sighed sitting up as he walked over to me taking (y/n) away. "So noisy." He mumbled going back to the couch and sitting down smirking at (y/n).

"Your dads a pervert~"

"S-SHU! Don't listen to him (y/n)! Your uncle is lying!"


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