Ayato x slave reader

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Aaaaaay it's 2:00 am and I'm here for your daily update!

It's also my moms birthday so I wanted to hurry and get this done today so I could just hangout with her. XD

You sat there quietly staring down at the ground as many people walked past you all of them laughing smiles on their faces. You didn't dare to look up at all of the noble vampires or humans. You were a so called gift given to Karlheinz by your father who wanted to have power and women.

In the end Karlheinz gave you to one of his sons. So now here you were serving under one of the most cockiest person you've ever met. "Oh my if it isn't my dear Ayato's slave." A familiar voice laughed lightly. You didn't have to look up to know who was talking to you.

"Good evening mistress Cordelia." You whispered softly. You saw a few pairs of men's shoes next to hers. 'She's flirting with all these men again.' You thought disgusted. "I see you're keeping your head down like a good pathetic servant would. Hahaha!" She laughed the men joining her.

'It's not like I want to...but....my master gave me one strict rule...and that was...' Before you could finish your thought one of Cordelia's toys spoke. "You're always talking about your son Ayato's servant girl so I've grown curious to see what she looked like." He spoke amused.

"She is a small little thing isn't she?" Another said. You just listened as they all talked about you each of them laughing. You were used to being humiliated and talked about by Cordelia. After all she hated you...you were as one would call...her sons favorite treasure.

"Though now I'm curious." One spoke taking a step towards you. "What does this servant girl look like?" He asked reaching his hand out towards you. You quickly moved away from him. "I'm sorry sir...but please don't touch me... my master will be very angry." You whispered softly.

This just caused the man to laugh. "Hahaha! What a cute excuse! Don't worry..." He spoke going and grabbing your wrist pulling you closer to him. "He's not around right?" He asked going and tilting your chin up. You watched as his expression turned to one of greed and lust.

"Oh my..." He spoke blushing slightly a creepy smile coming to his face. "My what a treasure you are..." He said as if he was stuck in a trance. You struggled slightly to get away from him. 'No...I broke the rule...if master sees this then I'll...I'll...' Tears brimmed your eyes.

'I'll be punished badly!' Just then the man was roughly pushed away falling to the ground. You pulled your hand close to your chest seeing a familiar figure standing in front of you. "How dare you touch something that doesn't belong to you without Ore-sama's permission." Ayato spat glaring down at the man.

"P-prince Ayato?!?!" The man cried out. This of course drew the attention of the other guests and brothers. You quickly looked back down not wanting to break the rule anymore. "Oh my Ayato. It seems like you're angry about something." Cordelia spoke.

"Do you want to share with your dear mother?" She asked laughing slightly. "No. I don't." Ayato growled. "Now if you'll excuse me." He said roughly grabbing your hand. "I'll be leaving this party early." Was all he said before leaving the ballroom keeping you close behind him.

You didn't say a word as you continued to look down. "(Y/n)." He spoke causing you to flinch. "We have something to discuss." He said glaring back at you. You just shivered slowly nodding your head. "Y-yes...master."

~time skip~

You sat on Ayato's bed wincing as he sunk his fangs into another part of your flesh. You listened as he moaned enjoying the taste of your blood. You blushed slightly at this small tears in your eyes from the pain. "P-please master that's enough." You pleaded.

Ayato just scoffed as he continued to drink your blood. You were covered in bite marks it was like you had been attacked by a wild animal. "P-please master...I'll behave! I didn't mean to break the rule! I'm sorry!" You cried softly.

Ayato pulled away from you letting out a small sigh. He went and wiped the blood from his chin glancing over at you with his piercing green eyes. "You know I have to punish you when you break the rule." He said leaning closer to you gently caressing your cheek.

You slowly nod your head at this. "Now tell me...what's Ore-sama's number one rule?" He asked waiting for your reply. "Don't let anyone else look into my eyes." You whispered. He smirked at this. "That's right. I'm the only one who can look into those beautiful eyes of yours." He said gently lifting your chin up.

"After all...Ore-sama thinks of you as my perfect treasure." He said going and kissing your forehead. You blushed at this nodding your head. He looked at you for a moment before letting out a small sigh as he went and stood up.

You watched as he stretched his limbs. "Geez that party really took the life out of me." He mumbled before glancing back at you. "Oi (Y/n). Draw me a bath." He demanded. "Y-yes master!" You said quickly standing up and running towards his bathroom.


~mini time skip~

You stood by the bathroom door watching as Ayato took a bath. "That party was so boring. Everyone kept looking at my stupid brothers but not Ore-sama! Can you believe it?!" He whined dramatically. You just shook your head.

"No I can't. It still surprises me that your brothers get all the attention. After all who wouldn't want to be around you?" You asked giving him a small smile. He smiled brightly at this. "Haha! See you're so great (Y/n)! You're the only person who listens to what I have to say and understands me!" He laughed happily.

You just stood there watching as he went and looked up at the ceiling. "Hey (Y/n)?" He asked. "Yes master?" You replied. "...from now on...call me by my name when it's just the two of us." He said. This caught you by surprise. "B-but I couldn't possibly! If mistress Cordelia found out I-!"

"So what if she does?!" He yelled suddenly causing you to go quiet. "I don't care! All she ever wanted from me was to surpass my brothers! She never truly loved me!" He yelled before sinking further into the bath. "...you're the only one I care about..." He whispered softly.

Your eyes went wide in shock a small blush appearing on your cheeks. 'I see...' You thought. Ayato soon sighed closing his eyes. "Forget it. I must be ok tired." He spoke. "...Ayato." You whispered. His eyes shot open as he quickly looked over at you.

"What?" He asked. You just looked at him and smiled the sweetest smile you could a tiny blush on your cheeks. "Hehe if that's what you want then I'll call you Ayato!" You cheered. He looked at you in complete awe before smiling his own bright smile.

"Haha! Ore-sama really does like you (Y/n)!"

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