Little brother Laito x big sister reader

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You watched as Laito flirted with Yui for the thousandth time. This caused you to sigh as you tilted your fedora forward. "Honestly he's such a fuckboy." You muttered. Your younger brother Ayato who was sitting next to you laughed.

"Haha! You've got that right big sis!" He said patting your back. You just grunt as you lean back. "Ya know it is funny though." He mumbled leaning forward slightly. "What is?" You asked glancing over at him. "Well. The two of you were really close when we were kids." He said.

You just sighed at this. "That was years ago Ayato." You mumbled. He didn't say anything for a moment before smiling and wrapping an arm around you. "Haha! That's right cause now yours truly is your favorite!" He said going and knocking your fedora off as he gave you a noogy.

"Ayato! Cut it out!" You yelled at him. This caught the attention of both Yui and Laito who looked over at the two of you. "Ayato-kun and (Y/n)-San really seem to get along." She said smiling slightly. Laito's eyes just narrowed.

"It used to be us..." He mumbled. "Huh?" Yui asked looking up at him. He just smiled his usual smile before walking over to the two of you. "Fufufu~ my you two seem to be having fun~" He laughed standing in front of you.

You both stopped what you were doing as you looked up at him. "If getting put in a headlock seems fun then take my place." You said. He just smiled eyes narrowing slightly. "Oh~ no thanks you look very happy~" He said. You just glared at him before pushing Ayato off of you.

You grabbed your fedora placing it back on your head. "Whatever. I'm going to shower." You mumbled standing up. "Hey let me join you!" Ayato joked. "FUCK OFF!" You yelled at him. He just laughed as you walked away.

"You're both very close now~" Laito said looking down at Ayato. Ayato looked up at him with a frown. "Of course we're close. I didn't stop hanging out with my sister for random girls." He mumbled. Laito's eyes just narrowed.

"I didn't leave her. She stopped hanging out with me." He said annoyed. Ayato just sighed as he stood up. "Whatever you say Laito." He mumbled before walking over to Yui.

~mini time skip~

You stood in the shower feeling the warm water hit your cold skin. You let out a sigh as you closed your eyes. 'Laito...' You thought.


You sat at the fountain in the garden staring up at the blue sky. 'Birds are so lucky. They can just fly away to anywhere they want...I'm just stuck here.' You thought. "(Y/n)-nee!" You heard a happy voice shout.

"Hm?" You hummed looking ahead of you only to see a happy Laito running towards you waving a stick in his hand. You smiled at this as you stood up. "Hey there! What have you been up to?" You asked happily. He just smiled as he went on telling you how he helped Kanato catch a bat.

You smiled as you listened to his story. "That sounds really fun! Too bad I missed it!" You laughed patting his head. "It's ok! You'll help next time!" He said. "Yep!" You cheered. "Laito-nii! (Y/n)-nee!" You heard Kanato call.

The two of you looked up at him and smiled. "I'm hungry!" He called. You both just laughed as you took his hand. "Come on I'm hungry too!" You cheered. He just smiled up at you a small blush on his cheeks as he went and ran ahead of you pulling you along with him.

"Come on (Y/n)-nee!"

~End flashback~

You slowly opened your eyes as you went and bit your finger. You felt your fangs pierce through your skin but you ignored it as you glared at the shower wall. 'We used to be so close...I loved Laito so much...more then anything.' You thought.

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