Subaru x reader

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You sighed as you wrote down some notes. You didn't really care much for school because it never interested you. You hated almost everyone in it and never really talked much. "...." you shyly glanced over at the albino boy next to you. Subaru Sakamaki also known as the hot tempered psycho.

At least that's what everyone else called him. You liked to call him the flower boy. You see you work at your family's flower shop that's where you first met the Albino boy. You sighed going back to your notes trying to drown out everything around you. 'I wonder if he'll stop by today.' You thought looking out the window.

~time skip~

"I'm home!" You called entering the shop. Both your parents greeted you happily as they walked over to you. "Well?" They asked eagerly. You sighed taking out your test and handing it to them. They smiled happily. "That's my girl! Getting perfect scores!" Your dad laughed patting your shoulder.

As both your parents celebrated you went and got ready to work.

~time skip~

You sighed as your parents went up to go to bed. The shop didn't close until nine so you still had around two hours. "Yeah. Like anyone's gonna come here this late." You mumbled. Just then the bell to the door rang signaling someone had just entered. You turned your attention to the door only to blush slightly.

"Oi. I'm here for the usual." The albino said with his usual stern and demanding voice. You smiled at him as you stood up and got the seeds for roses. "Hehe. Here you go Subaru-kun." You said handing him the seeds. He blushed slightly and took the seeds.

"Tch." Was all he said as he went and paid for them. "You sure do like roses huh Subaru-kun?" You said leaning against the counter. "Tch. That's none of your business." He scoffed looking away. You giggled as you watched him start to leave the shop.

"I love roses." You said smiling softly. "Especially white ones." You added. Subaru stopped right at the door. "White huh?" He whispered to himself quietly. "Huh? Did you say something?" You asked tilting your head. "T-tch! Stupid girl!" He yelled leaving the shop.

You giggled to yourself quietly. "He's such a tsundere."

~next day~

You sat on the school roof drawing in your sketch book as everyone else happily chatted with their friends. "What are you doing here?" An annoyed voice asked. You stopped sketching and looked back only to see Subaru glaring at you.

"I could ask you the same question." You said smiling at him. He scoffed looking away. "Laito was annoying me about something so I punched him in his face and then everyone started yelling at me..." he trailed off. You could see the hurt in his eyes.

"Were they being mean to you?" You asked. He didn't say anything as he grit his teeth. "Dammit!" He yelled punching the door to the roof in. It didn't surprise you. Usually when he's upset or angry he does this. "Wanna talk about it?" You asked. He scowled at you before sighing and taking a seat.

You looked at him and smiled your usual soft and warm smile. "They...were calling me a monster..." he mumbled sadly staring down at his hands. "They're right..." he added. This caused you to frown. "What makes you think that?" You asked.

"My mother used to-" you cut him off. "Who cares? That's just wrong. No one should be called a monster especially by their own parent." You said sternly. Subaru looked at you annoyed about to speak but you interrupted him. "You're not a monster Subaru-kun. You're just different." You started.

"Not everyone is the same. If we all were the same then the world would be boring. Everyone wants to fit in but for people like you and me. We don't want to fit in. We want to be ourselves and do what we love." You said sighing. "That's all there really is to it." You mumbled.

Subaru looked at you surprised a deep blush on his cheeks. "(Y/n)..." he whispered. You smiled at him brightly. "Oops! Sorry!" You said giggling. Subaru didn't say anything as he just stared at you. "..." he suddenly stood up and started to make his way back to the now broken door.

"Huh? Subaru-kun?" You asked. He didn't say anything as he just walked away. You stared in the direction he left before sighing as you went back to sketching. "..."

~time skip~

You sighed. It was almost closing time for the shop. "I wonder if I said something to make him mad." You mumbled sadly. Just then the door opened causing you to look up. "Oh! Subaru-" you were cut off when a white rose was shoved in your face.

You blinked a few times before blushing deeply. "H-huh?" You asked surprised as you shyly took the rose from him. "W-what's this about?" You asked. Subaru looked away a deep blush on his cheeks. "W-well...I-I...." he stuttered. You could tell that he was struggling to say what he wanted.

"DAMMIT!" He yelled frustrated. You got ready for him to punch a giant hole in the wall but to your surprise he didn't. "I LOVE YOU!" He yelled. Both of you stood there shocked deep blushes covering your cheeks. "Tch!" He growled squeezing his eyes shut.

You smiled a soft smile as you walked out from the counter. "I love you too." You whispered kissing him lightly.

"My flower boy."


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