Shu x pregnant reader

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"Honestly where is that deadbeat?" You listened as Reiji started to rant again. You smiled looking down at your swollen stomach. "Reiji calm down. If you keep ranting like that you'll end up with a headache." You laughed. Reiji glared over at you before sighing.

"How can you be so calm? Your deadbeat husband is nowhere to be seen and you're here pregnant." He said pushing up his glasses. "I'm sure Shu is just sleeping somewhere. I'm not worried unlike someone." You said teasingly. Reiji scoffed looking away.

"Is it bad for me to worry about a girl who decided to marry my deadbeat brother over me?" He asked taking a seat. You smiled shaking your head. "Are you still upset about that?" You asked taking a sip of tea. Reiji doesn't say anything. "I'm sure you'll make a great uncle as long as you don't make it so my child is like you." You said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Reiji asked glaring at you. Just as you were about to speak you felt arms wrap around you from behind. You smile closing your eyes as you continue to drink your tea. "Sleep well Shu?" You asked. "Yeah..." Shu mumbled.

"Where have you been? Leaving your pregnant wife alone with your brother who has feelings for her? What if I decided to take her from you?" Reiji asked. You could tell Shu was looking at him. Even if he didn't say it or show it you could tell Shu wasn't happy about that as his grip tightened slightly.

"She wouldn't leave me..." Shu said. "I wouldn't let her anyways." He added resting his chin on your head. Reiji scoffed pushing up his glasses as he stood up. "Please excuse me (y/n). I'll see you another time." And with that he teleported away. You at there silently waiting for Shu to speak.

"He pisses me off." Shu grumbled. "I'm sure you do the same for him." You said placing your cup down. Shu glanced down at you not saying anything. "How is it?" Shu asked gently touching your stomach. You giggled at the it part. Yes you knew what the baby was but didn't want to tell Shu just yet.

"It is fine." You said. Shu smirked slightly kissing your head as he went and sat across from you. "Why'd you pick me?" He asked tilting his head. "Why?" You asked humming. "I believe I've told you this a thousand times." You laughed. "The reason I picked you was because my heart wanted you." You said.

"I loved you from day one Shu. It just took you forever to realize that." You said. Shu hummed. "You never tell me the full reason." He said closing his eyes. "Maybe I'm just waiting for the right day." You laughed. "Like when you'll tell me our child's gender?" He asked.

You smiled. "Yes...have you figured it out yet?" You asked smirking. Shu slowly opened his eyes glaring. "You know I have no clue. Why are you so difficult?" He grumbled. "Who knows. You decided to be with me." You said closing your eyes. Shu hums.

The room went silent again. You both loved music and sleeping. You also preferred the peace and quiet. "You know." You started. "Once the babies are born we won't have any peace and quiet." You said smirking as you opened your eyes.

You watched as Shu's eyes shot open. He looked at you for a moment before speaking. "(Y/n)....did you say...babies?" He asked. You hum. "Did I?" You asked smirking. Shu stood up walking in front of you he bent down. "'s twins?" He asked quietly.

You smile and nod. "Yes can you guess their gender?" You asked. "....two girls..." Shu whispered. You laughed slightly. "You got your wish Shu." You whispered. Shu had said that he wanted two girls you don't know why but he did. Shu smirked slightly as he went and rested his head on your stomach.

You smiled running your hand through his hair. "I hope I'm a good father." Shu whispered. "Don't worry. You may be a lazy vampire...but you'll be a great father." You said. Shu smiled lifting his head up slightly. "Thank you (y/n). For loving me...and becoming mine forever." He whispered cupping your cheek.

You smiled leaning into his touch. "Don't go thanking me...I'm happy I met you." You whispered. Shu smiled as he went and kissed you softly. "Wow." He mumbled moving away. "What is it?" You asked tilting your head. Shu smirked as he looked down at your stomach.

"I think one of them just kicked me." He chuckled. You smiled giggling slightly. "Maybe one of them is a mommies girl." You joked. Shu hummed. "Don't worry. I'm sure they'll like me more." He smirked. "Rude!" You yelled laughing as you playfully smack him.

Shu smiled as he went and rested his head on your stomach again. "When I wake up...let's think of names..." he mumbled closing his eyes. You smiled watching him fall asleep on your stomach. You looked over at a photo of yours and Shu's wedding day.

"Thank you...for giving me my happy family."


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