Shuu x reader

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"Come on just do it already."

"Why don't you do it?! This is your idea after all!"

"I'm not the one who's dating him."

"You wish you were."



Right now you and Yuma were both hiding outside of the living room where a certain sleepy vampire was or corse sleeping. You sighed as you looked down at what you were holding. "This is gonna be pure torture for him you know this right?" I asked glancing up over at Yuma.

Yuma chuckled as he waved you off. "He'll be fine don't worry about it." Yuma said bored. You groaned but nodded none the less. "Here goes then." You mumbled. You quietly stepped into the living room and made your way over to your sleeping boyfriend.

You looked down at his MP3 player and gulped. You quickly and quietly swapped his MP3 player with the one Yuma gave you and ran off. Yuma following close behind. "We're so dead." You mumbled sadly. "How long do you think it'll take him to notice it was us?" Yuma asked.

"I give it less then twenty minutes." You mumbled. Both you sighed and went into the kitchen.

~nineteen minutes later~

"YUMA! (Y/N)!" An angry voice shouted causing both you and Yuma to jump. You both looked at each other fearfully. "We're so dead." You both mumbled before running out of the kitchen and making your way upstairs.

Just before you two could reach your room to hide you were both grabbed by the back of your shirts. "So it was you two." Your boyfriend growled glaring down at the both of you. "It was all Yuma's idea." You said bluntly.

Yuma looked at you betrayed. "TRAITOR!!!!" He yelled. You gave him and apologetic look. Shuu kept his glare on the both of you. "Well you can both make up for it by helping Reiji with some of his experiments." Shuu said smirking.

Both you and Yuma paled with horror. "We'll die!" You both yelled. Shuu shrugged while chuckling. "Well it's either that could come and help me with cleaning Laito's room." He said. You and Yuma looked at each other for a moment before nodding.

"We'll help Reiji." You both said looking at Shuu. Shuu nodded as he let you both go. "Well go on he's waiting for you." Shuu said as he walked off. You and Yuma sighed as you made your guys way to Reiji's room.

Just as you and Yuma turn the corner you're pulled back by someone grabbing your arm. You smash into a strong chest. "Shuu?" You ask looking up at him. Shuu looked down at you with his normal expression. "You know you're a very bad girl for doing that right?" He asked as he leaned down closer to you.

You blushed and piled away slightly. "Yuma made me do it." You mumbled. Shuu narrowed his eyes. "And you took orders from another man who wasn't me? That just makes you an even worse girl." He grumbled. You shyly looked away. "I'm sorry Shuu." You whispered.

Shuu gently lifted your chin and looked into your eyes. "I'll just have to punish you later tonight." He whispered with a small smirk. You blushed heavily as you stumbled over your words. Shuu chuckled as he gently kissed your lips.

He pulled away and sighed. "Go on. We'll continue this discussion tonight." He mumbled pulling away from you. You nodded as you turned and started running down to Reiji's room "and (y/n)." Shuu said causing you to stop and look back at him.

He smiled at you. "I love you." He shad sweetly. You blushed as you stared at him in awe for a moment before smiling a closed eyed smile. "I love you too Shuu!" You said cheerfully as you waved him goodbye and ran down to Reiji's room.

~extra ending~

Shuu sighed as he cleaned Laito's room. "Damn pervert." He mumbled. Shuu looked down at the MP3 player you and Yuma had switched with his and hummed. He picked it up and smiled as he hit play. You see you hadn't even bother to listen to what it was Yuma had given you.

Shuu smiled as he closed his eyes and listened to what was playing. "Heh. Looks like I'll have to thank Yuma for this." Shuu mumbled as he listened to what was playing. "Though I'm happy he's taking the punishment I was assigned." Shuu added.

You see what Shuu was listening to was a song you had secretly made up for him while Yuma recorded it. Shuu closed his eyes and started to quietly sing along to the song.

"And I love you! Haha!"


Next up!

Big brother kanato x little sister reader

Ayato x reader x laito 

Yuma x reader lemon

Kanato x reader lemon

Triplets x reader

Older brother laito x little sister reader

Ayato x reader lemon

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