Kanato x reader

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You pout as you watch your brother Azusa talk to his cuts. "Onii-chan! You said you'd play with me!" You said. You see you were like a child you had the body of a seventeen year old but the personality of a six year old. Azusa looked up from his cuts and over at you. "Oh...Gomen...(y/n)....but I'm a little busy..." he said.

You frowned as you stormed out of his room and down the hall. "It's not fair!" You cried. "Why do all my brothers not want to play?!" You said stomping your feet. "(Y/n) stop acting so childish." Ruki said appearing behind you. You looked back at him with a giant frown.

He sighed walking past you. "And don't frown it doesn't suit you." He said. "Grrr." You growl walking behind him. "We're gonna be late for school if you don't hurry up." He said. "I get it! I get it!" You said teleporting into the limo. You silently swung your legs as everyone talked. "...." you pout slightly.

"Ne~ what's wrong Inu-chan~?" Kou asked smiling at you. "Nothing." You mumbled glaring at Azusa. "Azusa broke his promise again." Yuma said. Azusa tilting his head confused. You sighed shaking your head. "Baka." You mumbled. Once you reached school all the fan girls started to freak out about your brothers.

You sighed getting out and walking past them. As you did you heard some guys whispering about you. "She's so cute...I can't believe she doesn't have a boyfriend." You sighed staring at the ground. "KYA!!! KANATO-SAMA IS SO KAWAII!!!!" You heard some girls scream.

"Huh?" You looked up only to see a bunch of girls surrounding a boy with purple hair and eyes. He looked kinda creepy but at the same time really cute. You looked at his stuffed bear and gushed at how cute it was. The boy looked over at you and frowned glaring. You looked at him and frowned as well.

"BAKA!" You yelled at him. He looked at you with an angry expression. "What's this? (Y/n)-Sama and Kanato are fighting?!" Some male students spoke. You crossed your arms and turned your head walking into the school building. 'I hate that guy...he's always so mean to people.' You thought.

You went and took your seat in class watching the other students come in. "Oh!" You said smiling brightly. "Onii-chan!" You said happily to Azusa who walked in. Azusa looked up at you and nods his head before going back to his cuts. You frown and look out the window sighing.

'He's always busy now...'

~time skip~

You sat outside under one of the trees scrolling through pictures on your phone of you and your brothers. You frown seeing all of you happily smiling as you spent time with each other. You held your head down close to your knees and sigh. "Baka's..." you whispered.

"Ne teddy. Do you think that's the only word she can say?" A familiar voice asked. You glared up at Kanato who stood there staring down at you his head tilted. "Hello." He said. "Go away." You whispered. Of course he didn't listen and sat right next to you.

"You're a bad girl skipping class." He said smiling slightly. "And you're a bad boy for skipping class. If you ask me you shouldn't get any sweets." You said scoffing. Kanato gave you a look as if you just tore his world apart. "HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT?!" He yelled at you pulling your hair.

You growl going and pulling his cheek. "Shut up! Why are you following me anyways?!" You yelled. "Because teddy thinks you look pretty!" He yelled back. You stopped pulling on his cheek and looked at him shocked. "He thinks I'm...pretty?" You whispered a blush slowly forming on your cheeks.

Kanato pouts as he rubs his cheek. "I don't see why...you're pretty mean." He mumbled looking away. You could've sworn you saw a tint of red on his cheeks but weren't too sure. "I can say the same thing about you." You said scoffing Kanato looked over at you with narrowed eyes. "What's that supposed to mean." He growled.

You glared at him. "You're the mean one! Always hurting that girl Yui! Always screaming and hurting people who don't give you what you want! AND! You pushed that poor boy off the school roof last week!" You yelled standing up. Kanato looked up at you with an angry expression.

"SHUT UP! YOU KNOW NOTHING!" He yelled. "I KNOW THAT YOU'RE A SPOILED CHILD!" You said as you went and kicked dirt in his face causing him to drop his teddy bear and hold his eyes in pain. "AAAAH!!!! YOU BITCH!" He yelled. You quickly turned to run off only for him to grab your ankle and roughly slam you to the ground.

You groan slightly as you look back seeing Kanato with an insane and deadly look. "You'll pay....I'll make you into such an ugly doll." He said laughing. "HELP!!!!! ONII-CHAN'S!!!!!" You screamed kicking Kanato away.

Kanato growled as he grabbed both of your legs and leaned forward smiling down at you. "You're funny." He said chuckling. "The only way to calm girls down is to do this right?" He asked. Before you knew it his lips were on yours causing your eyes to go wide.

You struggled to move but Kanato wouldn't let go. 'He's kissing me...this spoiled disgusting pure blood is taking my first kiss!!!' You mentally screamed. Kanato pulled away from the kiss and smiled down at you. "You're lips are sweet...I love sweet things." He whispered.

You watched as he gentle slid a finger across your lips. "From now on...your lips are mine...as well as your body...you'll be my pretty doll that I can take anywhere." He said smiling a creepy smile as he placed a hand on your neck. "And if anyone tries to take you...I'll kill them." He said laughing.

"You're insane." You said glaring up at him. He only smiled down at you. "I love you (y/n). I love you so much." He said kissing you again. You thought you saw a flash come from somewhere but payed no attention to it as you tried to get him off you.


Kanato pulled away from the kiss and glared over at where the two voices came from. You looked over only to see your brother Yuma along with Kanato'a brother Ayato. "Get the hell off my sister!" Yuma yelled tossing Kanato away. Ayato glanced at you to see if you were injured.

"Kanato. Reiji wants you." He said glaring over at his brother. Kanato glared at him before nodding his head and picking up teddy. You watched as he walked away but not before glancing over at you a sadistic smile on his face as he mouthed the words.

You're mine.

You clung onto Yuma who glared at Kanato. Once he was gone Ayato sighed looking at you. "You ok (y/n)?" He asked. "Yeah...I'm...fine." You whispered. "....we'll make sure to keep him away from you." Ayato said before walking off. "Come on. I'm taking you home." Yuma said picking you up.

You nod as he teleports you back to the mansion and sits you down on the couch. "I'll get you something to drink." He said walking off. You sat there silently before your eyes went wide in realization. "My phone! Where is it?!" You yelled quickly looking for it.


Kanato sat on the ledge of his balcony singing to himself quietly before glancing down at the phone in his hand. He smiled as he went and looked at a certain photo. "So cute..." he whispered holding teddy close. "(Y/n)....you're all mine." He said laughing.

The photo was of when he had taken your first kiss.

"Haha! All mine!"


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