Shu x shy male reader

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"(M/n) are you going to practice tonight?" Ayato asked as the two of you walked down the school hall. You looked over at him and sighed. "Ayato I told you...I'm not going." You whispered. "Why not?! I thought you were into that kind of thing." He scoffed placing his arms behind his head.

"I's just..." a small blush appeared on your cheeks as you started stuttering. Ayato smirked slightly as he bent down leaning closer to you. "It's about my brother isn't it?" He teased causing your entire body to jolt. "A-Ayato!" You yelled causing him to laugh.

You've known Ayato since middle school. He was always teasing you in any way he could...but once he found out you had a huge crush on his eldest brother Shu...oh boy. Sighing you placed your headphones on your head closing your eyes you listened as the music poured out from them.

Ayato smirked as the two of you walked outside. There you saw all of his brothers and Yui getting into the limo. Ayato glanced at you before shouting out. "Oi! Shu!" He yelled. Your eyes went wide as you looked over at him a giant blush on your cheeks.

Shu hummed as he lazily opened his eyes tilting his head towards the two of you. "Can you tell Reiji that I'll be walking (M/n) home today?!" He asked a giant grin on his face. You swore you saw Shu's expression turn to one of anger for a split second. Shaking your head you looked at the ground.

'I must be seeing things...why would Shu-Senpai be angry?' Just then you noticed a pair of feet stop in front of you. You slowly looked up seeing Shu. "Can't you walk home by yourself?" He asked looking down at you with his beautiful blue eyes. "U-uh...y-yeah." You whispered looking away from him.

He was silent for a moment before turning to Ayato. "He's fine. Get in the limo." Shu said simply. Ayato scoffed as he walked over to you wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "Are you kidding me? Sure (M/n) is a boy and all but just look at him!" He said grabbing your chin causing you to whine.

"He looks so cute and innocent! Someone would gladly take advantage of him!" Ayato laughed. Shu looked at the two of you silently. This caused you to get embarrassed as you shyly looked away. "Then I'll take him." This caused your eyes to go wide as you quickly looked back at him shocked.

He just stood there his usual expression on his face. "Huh? But yours truly said he'd take him!" Ayato complained. Shu ignored him as he started to walk off. "Come on." He said glancing back at you. You stood there in awe for a moment before quickly running after him.

The two of you walked in silence both of you listening to your music. "...." Shu glanced down at you before speaking. "Why'd you stop going to piano practice?" He mumbled. You stiffen slightly. "I...had my reasons." You whispered your bangs falling in front of your face.

Shu hummed as he came to a stop. "I'm hungry." He said causing you to get nervous. You knew they were vampires but you've never been bitten by one. "O-oh?" You asked glancing back at him. He nods as he lazily looked around. "Come on." He said grabbing your hand leading you into a convenience store.

You watched as he looked around at some of the snacks. "..." you shyly stared at the ground your face heating up. 'Shu-Senpai looks so cool...' You thought. Just then you felt someone tap your shoulder. "Hmm?" You hummed looking back only to see another familiar face smirking down at you.

"Y-Yuma!" You yelled shocked. Yuma stood there hovering above you and amused look on his face. "Didn't think I'd see you here today." He chuckled. You looked away from him causing him to hum as he looked over seeing Shu. This caused him to smirk even more as he ruffled your already messy hair.

"Haha! Now I see! You're stalking him!" He laughed. You blushed a deep crimson as you quickly looked up at him. "T-that's not it at all!" You yelled. "Hmm? Then what is it?" He asked bending down to your height. "H-he offered to take me home." You mumbled.

This caused Yuma to tilt his head. "HAAA?!?!" He asked confused. "Shh!!!" You yelled clamping your hands over his mouth. "Will you be quiet?!" You whisper yelled. Just then you heard someone clear their throat. The two of you slowly looked over seeing Shu standing there with something in his hand hand.

"We're leaving." He said grabbing your wrist and dragging you away from Yuma who stood back up giving you a smirk as he waved his hand. The rest of the walk home you two were silent. 'Wait a minute...' you thought looking up at Shu. "How do you know where I live?" You asked.

Shu didn't say anything as he continued to hold your hand in his tight grip walking into your house. You watched as he turned on the light and walked into the living room laying down on the couch. He let out a deep sigh as he closed his eyes.

"I was worried you'd get hurt or I secretly followed you." He mumbled bluntly. Your face erupted in a deep blush as you yelled. "T-That's called stalking!" You yelled embarrassed. 'And Yuma called me a stalker!!!' You mentally yelled.

"I guess." He sighed slowly sitting up. He opened his eyes and glanced over at you. You stiffen nervously looking at him. "(M/n) come here." He said sternly. You slowly nod as you make your way over to him. Just as you came into arms length Shu grabbed your arm pulling you down onto his lap.

You gasped surprised becoming highly embarrassed. Shu looked down at you his eyes looking as if they were trying to tell you something. "Stop letting guys touch you." He whispered his hand going up to your cheek. "W-what?" You asked.

"...I'm very possessive when it comes to things I want." Before you could react he had placed his lips on yours. 'What...' you thought your eyes wide as everything around you went white. 'Shu-Senpai...his lips..are...on mine.' As you thought this Shu pulled away from the kiss.

"I was right." He mumbled. "Your lips are soft and sweet." He teased giving you a lazy smirk. You blushed as you placed your hand over your mouth looking away from him. "B-be quiet!" You yelled embarrassed. Shu chuckled as he pulled you closer to his chest.

"Tell me...why did you stop playing the piano?" He whispered. "..." You didn't say anything for a moment. "...Because you were there..." You whispered. "..." Shu didn't say anything. "I was always so nervous playing in front of you...and the girls in class would always flirt with you and give you gifts..." You bite your lips.

"I got jealous of them...they did what I couldn't." You added. "....and what was that (M/n)?" Shu whispered close to your ear. "They talked to you...flirted with you...laughed...touched... everything I couldn't do." You whispered as your fists clutched his shirt.

Shu looked down at you his eyes reflecting in the moonlight. "(M/n)." He said as he gently lifted your chin up so your eyes could meet. "....I love you." He whispered causing your eyes to widen as a small blush tinted your cheeks. You felt like your heart would beat out of your chest.

"Ayato...and Yuma...they really know how to piss me off." He whispered. "I hated how close they are to you. I want to be the only one your close with." He admitted not breaking eye contact with you. You looked at him surprised before whispering. "I-I...I love Shu-Senpai too..." You admitted a deep blush covering your cheeks.

Shu smirked at this leaning closer to you. "(M/n)." He whispered before your lips met in a passionate kiss.

'Yes...I love Shu-Senpai more than anything.'

~Extended ending~

You sat on the floor watching as Shu slept on the couch. You smiled at him before your eyes traveled over to the bag he had brought back from the convenience store. "Hey Shu-senpai?" You asked. He hummed opening one of his eyes. "What's in the bag?" You asked tilting your head.

Shu slowly sat up reaching into the bag. When you saw what he pulled out your face erupted into a deep blush as you fell over. "S-Shu-Senpai...t-that's." you stuttered out too embarrassed to say what it was. "Condoms." He finished for you. You nod sitting up.

"W-why would you get something like that?!?!" You yelled embarrassed. Shu looked at you with a blank expression bluntly saying.

"Cause I'm gonna fuck your ass why else?"



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