Suicidal Laito x reader

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~Laito's POV~

'Ah...there she is again.' I thought to myself as I looked out from one of the school windows watching as my latest play toy happily talked to her friends. 'She's so beautiful...' I thought sadly frowning. "Laito-Kun!" I heard someone happily call.

I hummed turning back only to see a few of the girls I have recently been flirting with smiling at me. ''s just them.' I thought bored. I mentally sighed before putting on a fake smile walking over to them. "Fufufu~ my don't you all look cute today~?" I laughed.

They all laughed along with me before starting to talk about random things that I didn't care about. I just continued to smile but inside I was hurting. 'I miss her...' I thought closing my eyes. "Ah! Hey (Y/n) isn't that your ex Laito?" I heard someone whisper.

I opened my eyes and looked over only to see (Y/n) standing with some of her friends. My eyes locked with her beautiful (e/c) eyes. It had felt like time had stopped. She frowned slightly looking away from me. "Yeah...that's him." She whispered quietly.

My heart ached at this. '(Y/n)...' I thought wanting to reach my hand out to her. She glanced at me one more time before leaving. 'Why...why do you ignore me? It hurts...I hate this.' I thought sadly.

~time skip~

"Hahaha! Laito-Kun stop it!" A girl laughed as I whispered into her ear. "Fufufu~ I'm sorry I can't help it you're just too much for me~" I said looking at her with mischievous eyes. She just smiled at me laughing once more a small blush on her cheeks.

"Oi! (Y/n)!" I heard a familiar voice call. I quickly looked over only to see Ayato happily talking to (Y/n) his arm wrapped around her shoulders. She was smiling that pure smile of hers causing me to flinch. "Hm? Something wrong Laito?" The girl asked holding my arm pressing her chest against it.

'I have to take my mind off her.' I thought before looking down at the girl. I smirked at her gently taking her chin tilting it up. "How about me and you have some fun~? Fufufu~" She just blushed deeply before smiling a lustful smile. "My~ what do you have in mind Laito-Kun~?" She teased.

"You'll see..."

~time skip~

I quickly shot up from my bed sweating slightly before bringing a hand up to my face. I panted slightly before closing my eyes. "It was just a nightmare..." I mumbled. For as long as I can remember I have had the same nightmare over and over again.

The one with my mother...what happened to my father reacted. It was a constant reminder of what I am in this world...the only one who could stop it was (Y/n). I glanced over seeing that girl fast asleep on my bed. My eyes narrowed at this before I got up and went to my bathroom.

I turned the shower on quietly stepping inside. "(Y/n)..." I whispered softly.

"I've had enough of this Laito! Your brothers told me you were with another girl again! I'm sick of it! Just what am I to you?!"

I could remember her words exactly...the look on her face that day so clear. It was filled with sadness and pain. I bite my lip angrily.

"Fufufu~ what are you to me? Well you're just my play toy~"

Those were the words I said to her. "I didn't mean it..." I mumbled gripping the sides of my head. "You're not my play never were." I whispered sadly. "I was growing too attached...I couldn't let you stay with me." I cried as if I was actually talking to her.

"...after all...I...I'm just a pathetic piece of filth..."

~(Y/n)'s POV~

You sat by your window staring up at the night sky watching all of the stars twinkle. "Laito..." You whispered softly. You reached up to your neck and carefully held the locket he had gotten for you when the two of you had gone on your third date.

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