Shu x wolf reader

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"WILL YOU CUT THAT OUT!" You yelled in your wolf form. "So loud..." Shu mumbled. "I'm not a damn pillow!" You barked as you tried to get away from Shu who continued to lay on you. "Don't complain." He mumbled starting to fall back asleep. You growled ticked marks forming on your head.

"Why'd I leave home for you?" You grumbled as you went and stood up causing shu to groan slightly as he opened his eyes looking up at you. "It's not like I asked you to...stupid wolf." He grumbled closing his eyes again. You glared down at him as you went and kicked dirt in his face.

Shu scrunched his face up. You went and walked deeper into the woods not bothering to tell Shu. You sighed as you looked around sniffing the air. "Looks like no other wolves are here." You whispered nodding. You went and stopped by a river looking at your reflection. "...."

You sighed closing your eyes. "Lazy vampire." You whispered opening your eyes again only to see your (h/l) (h/c) hair and (s/c) skin. "I wonder..." you whispered touching your cheek. "Does he prefer me as a wolf...or as a human?" You mumbled to yourself.

"Geez!" You groaned falling back and staring up at the night sky.

Why'd I leave home for you?

Your eyes narrowed slightly. 'Why? I know exactly why I left home for him.' You thought closing your eyes.


You panted slightly as you walked down the busy road. People kept whispering and screaming calling for help. You didn't bother to change form as your torn up body continued to move. You had just gotten in a fight with the packs Alpha in other words your father.

He was furious all because you refused to Mary some wolf you didn't even know from a different pack. 'Dammit....he really got pissed this time.' You thought wincing slightly. "There it is!" Someone yelled. You glanced back only to see a bunch of men with weapons or nets.

' pathetic.' You thought. 'I'm in no mood to fight them.' You thought as you got the rest of your strength and started running. "GET IT!" Someone yelled. You continued to run as fast as you could panting heavily. 'Damn...I don't have much strength.' You thought.

Just then you saw a mansion with a giant garden. 'Might as well.' You thought quickly jumping the gate only for your leg to get stuck. Cursing you tried to get free but failed. "I've got it!" A man shouted. 'Forget it...I don't even have a pack to go back to...what's the point of living.' You thought as you laid down giving up.

"Alright! Come on let's hurry before it changes its mind!" You heard a bunch of men yell. You whimpered as they roughly pulled your leg. "So noisy." You heard someone mumble. "Oh! Sorry sir! We're just trying to dispose of this wolf!" One man apologized.

You didn't bother looking up your (e/c) eyes filled with sadness. "....who said you could take something from my property?" This caused your ears to go up. "E-excuse me?" You saw someone bend down in front of you. "What's your name?" Glancing up you saw a man with orange hair and piercing blue eyes.

He looked at you with a bored expression. "....(y/n)." You whispered. "IT TALKS?!" A bunch of the men shouted. "Why are you causing so much trouble? It's really annoying." He said. "...." you didn't say anything as you put your head down. "Hmm?" He hummed glancing up at your head.

"You're hurt." He grumbled reaching to touch it. Once he did though his eyes seemed to sparkle slightly. "I'll take it from here." He said walking over to your stuck leg. "B-but-" a man protested. "Get lost." You heard a dark and annoyed voice followed by running footsteps.

You stayed still as the man freed your leg picking you up. "I'm heavy." You mumbled. "You think a vampire couldn't pick up a wolf?" He mumbled. Your eyes went wide slightly as you glanced up at him. He looked down at you. "Shu." He spoke. You nod as he carried you into the mansion.

He had the maids wash you and take care of your wounds. You walked into his room only to see him asleep on his bed. "....thank you...for your help." You whispered. You started to walk away only to stop when you heard groaning. Looking back you saw Shu who looked like he was having a nightmare.

"...." you didn't say anything as you went and laid next to him. After a moment he calmed down. 'I guess I could stay.' You thought closing your eyes.

~end flashback~

"There you are." Opening your eyes you see Shu standing above you. Quickly jolting up you tried to change back into your wolf form only to be stopped when Shu grabbed your hand. "Don't look at me." You whispered looking away.

Shu didn't say anything as he just stared at you. "Didn't you hear me?!" You yelled glaring at him. "I said don't-" you were cut off when Shu pressed his lips against yours. Your eyes went wide in shock a deep blush covering your cheeks.

Shu pulled away from the kiss and smirked slightly. "You may be loud but that's something I like about you." He said. You just sat there still in shock. Shu looked up at your head and hummed placing his hand on your hair as he gently stroked it.

"It's soft....but your fur is much better." He mumbled. "What?" You asked. "I like both sides human and wolf. Your human form is beautiful while your wolf form is soft and majestic." He mumbled. "Both so soft." He whispered. You chuckled.

"You're talking more then usual Shu." You laughed. Shu looked at you with his usual expression. "Would you...leave if I didn't?" He mumbled. Your eyes went wide slightly. Shu sighed as he went and laid down on the ground closing his eyes.

"..." you watched him silently before smiling a small smile. "Oh Shu." You whispered changing into your wolf form as you went and laid down next to him. Shu smirked slightly as he went and hugged you placing his head on your soft fur as he continued to sleep.

You glanced back at him and smiled a small wolf smile.

'Where would I go without my home?'


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