Big brother Ruki x bullied little sister reader

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"(Y/n) make sure you hand in all your homework and ace your tests today." Ruki spoke as he handed you your bag. You smiled nodding your head. "Yes Ruki-nii!" You cheered pushing up your glasses. Once the limo reached your school you happily gave your brothers a hug before jumping out of the limo.

You waved them all goodbye until the limo was out of sight. Once it was gone the smile on your face disappeared. You sighed as you slowly made your way into the school. Once inside you could hear everyone start to whisper. You ignored them as you made your way to your locker.

You stopped seeing all the mean notes attached to it. "Hahaha!" You looked back seeing the group of girls laughing. "What's wrong nerd?! Go ahead! Open your locker!" One of them laughed. You gripped your bag as you opened your locker watching as more hateful notes fell from it.

"Hahaha! What a nerd!" They all laughed walking away. You stood there silently before slowly grabbing the books you need. 'It's ok...Ruki-nii is still proud of well as the others.' You thought before closing your locker and heading to class.

~time skip~

It was currently lunch time and you were sitting far away from the other kids as you flipped through your new book. "Mukami-San...what are you doing all alone?" A soft voice asked. You looked up only to see your teacher staring down at you.

"Oh. Hello Miss Nanami-Sensei." You said closing your book. "May I take a seat next to you?" She asked tilting her head. You nod watching as she goes and sits down. She was the Sakamaki's sister but she was really smart so she graduated early. "Now. How come you're all alone? Don't you have any friends?" She asked.

You shook your head pushing up your glasses. "No..." you whispered. "Hmm? Why not?" She asked a frown on her face. "...well..." you whispered.

~Ruki's POV~

I sighed as I walked out of school and towards the limo. "Ayato I could care less about what happened at your basketball game." I said glancing over at the cocky redhead. "Ha! You're just jealous that I'm better at sports then you!" He said proudly.

I only shook my head. Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate. "Hmm?" I went to see who was calling me only to be surprised. "Nanami?" I asked. "Huh?! Nanami?! Give me! Give me!" Ayato said trying to grab my phone.

"Ayato!" Subaru yelled kicking him down the stairs. "Will you let him take the damn call?! You can talk to Nanami when she comes home!" He yelled annoyed. I ignored their fighting and answered the phone. "Hello?" I asked.

"Hello Ruki I am calling because I have a problem involving (Y/n)." This caught my attention. "A problem?" I asked. "Yes...I'm afraid I have bad news." With that I listened to what she had to say. My eyes narrowed.

~time skip~

"You're being bullied?" I asked arms crossed. (Y/n) sat there looking down. "I don't know what you're talking about..." she mumbled. "Don't play dumb Nanami called me after school. She's very worried about you ya know." I said eyes narrowing.

(Y/n) didn't say anything as she held her arm. "Nanami-Sensei..." she whispered. "It's time you start telling me what's been going on (Y/n). You're my little sister and I don't want anything bad happening to you do you understand me?" I asked.

I watched as she slowly nodded her head. I went and sat down next to her pulling her close to me. "I love you (y/n). Remember that no matter what I'll always love you and be proud of you." I whispered stroking her soft hair.

She nods as she started to tell me when the bullying started and how it was because she was so smart and how Nanami always praised her and talked to her. I listened carefully until the very end. "I see." I whispered. "I'll take care of this (Y/n). Trust me no small livestock will ever hurt you again."

She nods as she hugged me a small smile on her face. "Thank you Ruki-nii." She whispered softly. I hum. "Of course. I'm your big brother after all." I whispered.

~time skip~

I watched as (y/n) played with Kou and Azusa. I pulled out my phone and dialed the familiar number walking off so no one would hear me. "Hello?" A familiar soft voice asked. "It's me. I have a favor to ask of you Nanami. Do you think you can help me?"

I asked. "Of course. Just tell me what you need." She said seriously. "Good." I said walking down the hall my eyes narrowing.

"Here's what I want you to do."


Also I would like you all to know that I am starting a book along with neovamichelis it will be on their account because I am currently trying to finish up my other stories before adding new ones.

The book will be called The shadow under the moon. I'll make sure to let you all know when it comes out if you'll be interested in reading it.

Thank you for your time! Have a lovely day/night! I love you all!

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