Reiji x neko reader

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I'm closing requests for now due to how many I have and how many drafts I still have to complete! I'll make sure to let you all know when requests are open again!

~Reiji's POV~

I quietly worked on some new potions in my room enjoying the silence. 'Everyone went to some kind of party.' I thought to myself. "How stupid. Parties like that have no class." I mumbled to myself. Just then I heard my door creak open slightly causing me to stop and glance over.

"Oh." I said eyes narrowing. "It's you." I mumbled. There in my doorway stood that deadbeats cat (Y/n). I watched as the cat walked into my room quietly jumping up onto my bed and laying down. "How rude. I didn't say you could enter my room did I?" I asked arms crossed as I glared down at the small feline.

She opened one of her eyes and looked at me before closing it again. This caused my eye to twitch slightly before I went back to my table examining all of my potions. "I'm surprised that deadbeat didn't take you with him." I mumbled. "After all he's snuck you to school before." I added.

Suddenly the cat was on my table hissing at me. "You really don't have any manners do you?" I asked annoyed. "MEOW! HISSS!! MEOW!" She yelled at me. I just sighed pushing my glasses up. "Wear did I put that cage?" I mumbled looking around for the small cat cage I had gotten when Shu first brought the cat home.

As I'm looking for the cage I hear a loud crash causing me to quickly look over. There on the ground was a bunch of broken glass and liquids along with that damn cat. "You." I started going to toss her out of my room only to stop when I saw steam starting to rise from her.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

'Huh? Why do I feel dizzy?' You thought stumbling slightly as you shook your head. 'All I did was break that jerks stupid work.' You thought. You stared at your paws only to see the floor slowly start to get further away. 'What's happening?' You thought closing your eyes for a minute before opening them again.

"Huh?" You asked seeing small human hands. "What the?" You asked examining them only to follow them up to see arms. "Interesting." You heard Reiji mumble. You looked up at him glaring. "Shut up damn vampire!" You hissed. "So that's what you've been saying to me all this time." He said pushing his glasses up.

"Eh?" You asked blinking in confusion. "Take a look over there." He said pointing over to one of his mirrors. You slowly crawled over to the mirror. 'What's going on? He can understand me? And why can't I move like normal?' You thought annoyed.

Once you reached the mirror your eyes went wide in shock. "W-WHAT THE HELL?!?!" You yelled quickly putting your up to the glass. There you saw your reflection only you weren't a were a human girl. You looked to see (h/l) (h/c) hair with cat ears and saw you still had your tail.

"Hey! What's going on here?! What's happening to me?!" You yelled looking over at Reiji who was writing down notes in a book. "It looks like you've turned into a human but you still have some cat features. This must be due to you trying to destroy my work." He said giving you a small smirk.

"I guess that word humans use really does exist. What is it called again? Karma?" He asked placing the book down. You just glared at him quickly trying to stand up on your new legs holding onto the wall for support. "Be quiet! If I was still in my usual body I'd claw your face off!" You yelled angrily.

He just sighed pushing his glasses up. "If I were you I'd find some clothes to put on. Honestly how vulgar of you." He said. This caused you to blink in confusion before looking down. You saw that you were indeed naked. "GAAAAAH!!!!" You screamed embarrassed as you quickly ran out of his room stumbling slightly.

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