Ayato x best friend reader

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You sighed as you sat there watching Ayato play basketball. "Oi...I'm bored." You called. Ayato shot another basket before turning to you. "And I'm Ayato nice to meet you." He said mockingly. You chuckled slowly standing up as you shoved your hands in your pockets.

"Didn't you have to be home for something?" You asked walking over to your vampire friend. Ayato sighed dribbling the ball. "I don't want to go..." he whispered sadly. You hum. "Is it your dad?" You ask. He only nods.

You sighed closing your eyes before looking up at the sky. It was silent between the two of you before you spoke. "I'll come with you." You said. Ayato looked at you shocked. "What are you talking about?! You hate my brothers so you'll hate my father!" He yelled.

You hummed. "I hate all but Shu and Subaru they're ok." You said smirking. "Besides. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't help out my best bud?" You asked playfully punching his arm. Ayato looked at you surprised before smirking. "Heh. You never stop amazing me." He chuckled.

"Yeah. Yeah." You said waving him off as you started walking in the direction of his mansion. "Hurry up ya damn cookie." A ticked Mark appeared on Ayato's head as he glared at your back. "How many times do I have to tell you..." he growled clenching the basketball in his hands.

"IT'S ORE-SAMA! NOT OREO-SAMA!!!" He yelled chasing after you. You glanced back at him and smirked. 'Heh...he never changes.'

~time skip~

You sat there with your eyes closed as you listened to Karlheinz speak. You could tell all of the brothers were not happy to see him. "...." you opened your eyes when you felt someone poke your shoulder and smiled a small smile when you saw Yui smiling at you.

"Here." She whispered handing you a glass of (f/d). You thanked her and took it quietly taking a sip. She sat next to you as you both watched the vampires in front of you talk. "You know...I'm still surprised." She whispered.

"Hmm? What about?" You asked glancing over at her. "You and Ayato-Kun being friends." She said. "I mean...he's a vampire after all and well...you're a vampire hunter." She said. You sighed closing your eyes as you took another sip of your drink.

"I've told you before Yui. The only time I'll kill a vampire is if they're the ones that killed my parents or if they ever make me mad." You grumbled. "Yet you haven't killed the brothers." You giggled. "What's your point?" You growled. She smiled at you.

"Well...I think even though you say you hate some of them...you actually love them all." She whispered softly. You hum and look at her for a moment. "I suppose you're ri-" before you could finish a loud crash got your attention.

You look over only for your eyes to go wide. Ayato was clenching his arm in pain as blood soaked through his clothes. All his brothers stood there glaring at their father who's hand was covered in blood. "A-Ayato-kun!" Yui yelled standing up.

You grabbed her hand stoping her. She looked back at you only for her eyes to go wide. "(Y/n)-san..." she whispered. "Your eyes..." she added. You slowly looked up at her your once (e/c) eyes now a blood red. "Yui...stand back." You growled.

She nods as she watches you slowly walk towards Ayato and Karlheinz. "Hmm? Oh! Hello dear can I help you?" Karl asked smiling a fake smile at you. Ayato looked over at you shocked. "(Y/n)...what the hell are you doing?" He asked quietly. You could tell he was scared.

"....why did you do that." You demanded stopping right in front of Karl. Karl looked at you his eyes narrowing slightly as he kept that fake smile on his face. "I was only teaching my son a warning for his actions." He said simply. "And what might those actions be." You growled.

Karl smirked his eyes glowing slightly. "Becoming friends with a hunter of course." He said amused. Your eyes filled with rage as you quickly pulled out a dagger and threw it at him. Karl smirked quickly turning into a bat.

"Now. Now. You shouldn't be doing that in my home." He teased. "Your home?" You asked. "Last I checked you were never here and you're not welcomed here by your sons who have spent their entire lives in this mansion." You hissed.

"I can handle a lot of things. But you hurting my friend or any of his brothers isn't something I'll allow without killing you." You said angrily. The brothers looked at you slightly shocked. Ayato sat there staring at you with awe.

"Now..." you whispered slowly pulling out two pistols. "GET THE FUCK OUT!" You screamed shooting at him. You watched as he dodged all the bullets laughing until one of them shot through his wing causing him to curse as he quickly made a run for it.

You sighed once he was gone and closed your eyes putting your guns away. When you opened your eyes again they were back to their normal color. You turned to Ayato and knelt down next to him. "Let me see your arm." You mumbled.

Ayato looked away as he held his arm out to you. You ripped his sleeve off and started to take care of the wound. "You don't have to do this...I'm a vampire I'll heal...besides ore-sama doesn't go down that easily." He grumbled.

You chuckled finishing up with his arm as you stood up holding a hand out for him. "Yeah I know." You said smiling. "But if I didn't do this for ya." You spoke helping him up as he took your hand. "What kind of friend would I be?" You both smirk before laughing.

"Yeah...you're right (y/n)."

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