Subaru x twin sister reader

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There will be a suicidal past in this chapter.

BAKA!!!" You screamed as you roughly chucked a vase at your perverted older brother. "Fufufu~ hey now~ don't go doing that~" Laito sang as he tilted his fedora back. "It was only a question." He said smirking. You glared at him a deep blush on your cheeks.

"HENTAI!" You screamed tossing another object at him. He easily dodged it causing it to shatter against the wall. "My~ my~ that temper of yours is getting outta hand~" he teased. "Besides all I asked was what color underwear you planned on wearing today. What's wrong with that?" He asked shrugging.

You growled getting ready to toss something else at him only for someone else to beat you to it. You watched as Laito held his nose in pain. "Tch! What the hell is wrong with you." You looked back seeing your twin brother Subaru standing there glaring.

"Asking our sister such a gross question! I should beat the shit out of you!" He yelled getting ready to punch Laito's lights out. "That's enough." The three of you all turned seeing Reiji standing there arms crossed a dark aura surrounding him. You flinched slightly. You may be short tempered and very strong but you were always terrified of Reiji.

"(Y/n)." Reiji said causing you to sweat. "Clean up this mess." He said sternly. You nod your red eyes filled with relief. "Laito. Follow me. Now." Reiji said darkly. Laito whined still holding his nose in pain. You watched as the two of them walked off leaving you and Subaru alone.

Sighing you went and started to pick up the broken glass. "Oi. Don't do that without gloves." Subaru said. You glanced over at him eyes narrowed. "I'm fine. Go away." You grumbled before going back to cleaning up the glass. "Tch. You're so stubborn." He growled. You ignored him.



"DAMMIT! Why won't you talk to me?!" Subaru yelled angrily. "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO ALWAYS BE NEAR ME?!" You yelled back pissed. Subaru just stood there glaring at you. "Tch! Whatever." He said storming off. You stayed there glaring. "Tch..." you clicked your tongue going back to cleaning up the glass.

"...." you didn't say anything white strands of hair falling in front of your face. "You know exactly why he stays near you all the time." You stopped what you were doing not bothering to look back. " long have you been standing there?" You asked.

"Since Laito had something smashed against his nose." You didn't say anything as you just stared at the glass eyes narrowed. "He's the only one who can stand your temper...both of you can." You sighed closing your eyes. "What are you getting at Shu?" You asked glancing back at your lazy brother.

Shu stood there slowly opening his eyes. "You both had a terrible childhood. Your own mother called you monsters. You took it the hardest because of how sensitive you were." He spoke. "Look. Just get to the point already!" You yelled. "Easy. You tried to end it all and Subaru caught you."


You stood there in front of the white roses. Your expression sad and eyes dull. "..." you didn't say anything as you glanced over at the tower where your mother stood. "...father...he never comes to see us or mommy...and mommy hates us...why...does she want us dead?" You mumbled to yourself.

You looked at the roses tears filling your eyes. "...I'm sorry mommy...I didn't mean to cause you so much pain..." you cried. You glanced down at the silver dagger. Your mother had two of them she passed them down to both you and your brother. "..."

Without saying anything you shakily lifted the dagger up over your heart. "T-this is for the best..." you whispered tears falling down your face. You got ready to plunge the dagger into your chest hands still shaking only to be stopped by a familiar voice. "(Y/n)..."

You stopped eyes wide as you slowly looked over seeing Subaru standing there with wide eyes. "What are you...doing?" He asked voice shaking. "..." you couldn't say anything as you just stood there shocked. Subaru grit his teeth clenching his fists. Before you could say anything or even react you were knocked onto the ground.

This caused you to drop the dagger. You sat there shocked holding your cheek in pain. Subaru stood there glaring down at you. "WHAT WERE YOU DOING YOU MORON!" He screamed at you. You looked up at him your shocked expression soon turning into an angry one.

You stood up and quickly tackled him to the ground. "SHUT UP!" You yelled. "I'M NOT A MORON! I'M NOT! I'M NOT!" You screamed angrily as you roughly punched Subaru each time. "I HATE THIS!" I HATE THIS!" You screamed crying. As you were punching Subaru Some of the servants and your brothers came running to stop you.

"Lady (y/n) please stop it!" One of the maids cried. "Please stop! You'll kill him!" This caused you to snap back into reality. You looked at Subaru eyes wide. He was covered in blood. "..." you couldn't say anything as the butlers pulled you away while the maids quickly tended to your brother.

You stood there shocked slowly looking down at your bloody fists. "I... I did this...." you whispered. You slowly looked up at the tower seeing your mother standing there with a look of disapproval and hate. Your eyes locked with hers. Tears filled your eyes.

"I...I'm sorry...mommy....Subaru....I...

~end flashback~

"...I'm a monster..." you whispered. Shu stood there not saying a word. " should pick up the glass. Reiji will be back soon." He mumbled before walking away. You just sat there silently before going back to picking up glass. Just as you reached for the last piece you ended up cutting your finger.

"Shit." You hissed. You quickly picked up the last piece throwing them all away. Glancing down at your finger you sighed as the blood kept coming. "(Y/N)!!" You heard Subaru yell. Just then the door slammed open. You looked back seeing Subaru standing there with wide eyes his breathing heavy.

"Subaru?" You asked. Subaru looked at you before glancing down at your finger. His expression became a relieved one as he walked over to you gently taking your hand. "..." you didn't say anything as you just watched him. "Tch. I told you not to do this without gloves." He scolded.

" did you know I was hurt?" You whispered. "We're twins. I can feel when something's wrong." He said not taking his eyes off your bloody finger. Your eyes went wide as a deep blush covered your cheeks. "W-what are you-?!" You yelled. Subaru had put your finger in his mouth sucking the blood.

"..." you just stood there blushing. Once Subaru felt that the blood was gone he released your finger. "..." the two of you stood there blushing deeply. "...the reason I stay near you all the's because-" you stopped him. "It's because of what happened when we were kids." You whispered.

"When I tried to end everything...when I...I almost killed you because of my temper." You said tears filling your eyes. "(Y/n)..." Subaru whispered. You squeezed your eyes shut not wanting to look at him. "...Why...why do you stay with me...I'm a monster...I almost killed you because of my temper."

You cried. Subaru didn't say anything as he gently went and cupped your cheek. " your eyes." He whispered. You slowly opened your eyes red meeting red. "You want to know why I stay with you? It's not just because I'm scared you'll try and end it again." He said seriously.

"It's because I love you (y/n). You're my twin sister."


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