Neko Yui x female reader

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You stood there shocked a deep blush on your cheeks. "(Y-Y/n)-chan?" Yui asked shyly as she stood in front of you. "C-cute..." You whispered. Yui stood there with a tail and ears a small blush on her cheeks. You quickly shook your head clearing your throat.

"W-what happened to you?" You asked trying to compose yourself. "Well you see...Reiji-Kun wanted me to help him with one of his test...not like I really had a choice. A-and well...this happened." She said carefully touching her cat ears.

"I see of course Reiji had something to do with this." You mumbled letting out a small sigh. 'SCORE! SHE'S SO FRICKEN CUTE!!!' You mentally cheered. "Anyways Reiji-Kun said that this shouldn't last too long maybe three of five days." She said softly.

"Don't worry Yui I'll be here if you need me!" You said gently patting her head. She smiled at this as she began to purr happily. This shocked both of you as you both blushed heavily. The two of you stared at each other before jumping away avoiding eye contact.

"Ahem...w-want to go get something to eat?" You asked. "Y-yeah..." She whispered. You smiled at this as you went and held your hand out to her. She smiled at this carefully taking your hand as the two of you walked down the hall.

'Who knows...I could really get used to this.' You thought smiling.

~time skip~

"Come on Yui you have to!" You yelled trying to get Yui to come out from under her covers. "N-no! I don't want to take a bath!" She cried. "It's not gonna kill you! You're only acting like that because your a neko now!" You said.

"Nooooo!!!" She whined. You just groaned as you went and roughly pulled the covers off causing Yui to squeak. You just sighed seeing her all curled up on her bed small tears in her eyes. "...." You didn't say anything as you carefully went and picked her up.

"Huh you're not that heavy." You said surprised. "You're pretty strong (Y/n)-chan." Yui said holding onto you. You just smiled at her as you walked into her bathroom. You quickly locked the door and set her down. "Alright now come on and get in the bath." You said.

Yui stared at the water her ears falling back as her tail stopped swaying back and forth. "Yui-!" Before you could finish she was already clinging to you like a scared little kitten. You looked down at her and sighed gently rubbing her head.

"Will it help if I get in with you?" You asked softly. She didn't answer for a moment before slowly nodding her head. You smiled at this as you had her move away from you. "I'll get in first." You said going and undressing yourself.

Once in the bath you looked over at her reassuringly. "Come on Yui it's safe." You laughed. Yui slowly nods her head as she gets undressed and slowly enters the bath with you. Once she was in she quickly attached herself onto you. You blushed at this but soon smiled as you carefully stroked her head.

"Geez you're such a scaredy cat." You laughed. "S-sorry...I'm sure I'm bothering you." She whispered apologetically. You just smiled at her. "It's fine! I don't mind! After all I did say that I'd be here with you until you changed back!" You cheered.

She slowly looked up at you nodding her head. "Alright how about we get you washed up." You said. She just smiled nodding her head. You quietly went and washed her hair humming to yourself. You watched as her ears occasionally twitched followed by purrs.

"Hehe. You really are such a cute neko!" You gushed going and hugging her from behind. Yui blushed at this feeling your chest press against her back. "Y-you really think so?" She asked. "Mhm! Of course you're also really cute when you're your regular self." You added.

Yui only blushed harder at this as she secretly smiled to herself flattered by your words. After you both finished bathing you went and wrapped a towel around yourself handing Yui hers. You walked into her room and had her sit in a chair as you blow dried her hair.

"You know your hair is really soft. I've never noticed that before." You said gently brushing your fingers through her hair. "Is it? I don't really pay attention to it." She said starting to feel all shy. "Yeah! I wish I had hair as soft as this!" You laughed as you continued to dry her hair.

"You know you don't have to do this (Y/n)-chan..." She mumbled. "Hm? Oh I don't mind! I like doing this!" You said smiling. After that the two of you went quiet. It was a peaceful and calm atmosphere and you both enjoyed it. Once you were both done getting ready for bed Yui let out a small yawn.

You smiled at her as she went and rested her head on your lap. "Tired?" You asked already stroking her hair. "Mhm..." She mumbled closing her eyes. You giggled slightly as you went and hummed a small tune to her watching as she fell asleep on your lap.

You saw her tail swishing back and forth as her ears flicked occasionally the room filling with her small purrs. You smiled at this as you stared down at her. "Yeah...really cute..." You whispered before carefully moving her onto her bed to tuck her in.

You brushed a strand of hair from her face seeing the small smile on her face. You smiled yourself as you turned to leave only to feel something grab your wrist. You looked back and saw Yui's hand as she mumbled something in her sleep. You stared at her for a moment before smiling and laughing slightly.

" can you be so cute? That's so not fair." You whispered leaning closer to her.

"Even as a just make my love for you grow and grow..."

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