Big brother Kou x little sister reader

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(C/n) = crush's name

"Again! Again!" You cheered happily as you sat on the couch next to your older brother Yuma. He let out an annoyed sigh as he held the remote up. "Geez really? This is so annoying." He mumbled as he went and played the interview of your older brother Kou for the millionth time.

You happily sat on the couch watching the screen stars for eyes. "Kou-nii is so cool!" You cheered happily. Yuma just sighed as he went and shoved a sugar cube in your mouth. "Yeah yeah now shut up and watch it." He muttered. You did as told happily watching the interview.

"So mister Mukami I'm sure all of your fans can agree with me when I say that I'm dying to know who your inspiration is." The lady said. "Haha! Well you see my inspiration is my little sister!" He cheered winking at the screen.

"Kyaaaaa! Kou-nii is so cool!!!!" You squealed happily. Yuma just groaned pretending to gag. "I swear his fangirls are annoying but I think our little sister tops that." He said ruffling your hair. You looked up at him and smiled. "Of course! I'm Kou-nii's number one fan!" You said giving him a peace sign.

He just smirked down at you before turning the tv off. "Hey! It wasn't over!" You whined. "It was to me." He said standing up. "Come on help me get the stuff we need for dinner tonight." He said. You just smiled nodding your head as you quickly stood up and followed after him.

~time skip~

It was late and you were helping Ruki set the table. "(Y/n) did you wash your hands?" He asked glancing down at you. "Yes Ruki-nii." You said. After that you heard the door open causing your face to brighten up. "He's back!!!!" You squealed quickly running from the table and towards the door.

"My~ if it isn't my little kitten!" Kou laughed as he bent down holding his arms out for you. You happily jumped into his arms laughing as you gave him a giant hug. "Welcome home Kou-nii! How was work?" You asked sweetly. Kou just smiled at you as he carried you in his arms.

"Haha! You sound like my wife!" He joked. "Don't go putting stupid thoughts in her head." Yuma grumbled from the entrance to the dinning room. "I'm only kidding!" Kou yelled at him. You just smiled at him. "I helped make dinner today!" You cheered.

"Wah! That means I get to have my little sisters cooking! I feel so happy!" He cheered rubbing his cheek against yours. You just laughed at him before he put you down heading to his seat. You went and took your seat next to him as the two of you started to grab your food.

"I swear you're (Y/n)'s favorite." Yuma sighed. "Hm? I wouldn't say that." Kou said as he ate some of his food. "I agree with Yuma." Ruki said. Azusa just nodded his head. "What makes you say that?" Kou asked glancing down at you as you happily ate a tiny blush on your cheeks.

"I had to play your damn interview a million times on the tv today!" Yuma yelled. "(Y/n)'s always going on about how amazing you are." Ruki said. "She...also...spends...all of...her...time..." Azusa added. Kou just hummed as he looked at all of his brothers before smirking.

"Jealous?" He asked. All three of them just shot him a glare causing him to laugh. You just sat there before glancing up at him. "Kou-nii?" You asked causing him to hum as he looked down at you. "Yes my little kitten?" He asked. "You're silly." You laughed giving him a bright smile.

He just smiled back a tiny blush on his cheeks. "You're so cute (Y/n)!" He cheered happily. Yuma and Ruki glanced at each other before speaking. "Oi (Y/n)." Yuma started causing you to look up at him. "How's (c/n) doing?" Ruki finished. This caused you to blush as you dropped your fork back onto your plate.

Kou looked at them confused. "(C/n)?" He asked. "Oh you didn't know?" Ruki asked. "I was sure (Y/n) would've told you about him." He said giving a tiny smirk. "Who is he kitten?" Kou asked looking down at you curiously. You just sat in your seat shyly staring down at your lap.

"He's~ her~ crush~" Yuma sang teasingly. The room fell silent as Kou sat there completely white. "Huh?" He asked. "That's right our little sister has a crush." Ruki said while Azusa nods his head. "WHAAAAAAA?!?!?!" Kou cried out grabbing both sides of his head.

"(Y/n) why didn't you tell me?!?!" He cried shaking you by the shoulders. "'s because I knew you'd.... freak out..." You said avoiding eye contact. Kou began asking a bunch of questions about this boy wanting to know everything.

"Guess you're not her favorite after all." Yuma joked. An arrow went as struck Kou's heart as he slowly looked over at his brother. "You're the devil." He hissed. Yuma just laughed at him. Meanwhile you and Azusa looked at each other before sighing.

~time skip~

You sat in your room watching as Kou paced back and forth. "Hm...." He thought as he stared intently at the two outfits that laid on your bed. "This one!" He cheered pointing at the ugliest one. You just sighed shaking your head. "Kou-nii are you trying to make me look ugly?" You asked.

"Yes." He said bluntly. "But why?!?!" You whined. "Because I can't go having my little sister fall in love with someone else!" He whined back. "You're being selfish!" You yelled. "That's ok!" He yelled back. You both just growled glaring at each other.

"Oi! Shut up!" Yuma yelled from his room. "You have a bunch of fangirls! You even have a crush on that Yui girl! Why can't I have a crush on (C/n)?!?!" You whined. "Because he'll take my little kitten away from me!" Kou whined as he went and hugged you.

You just sat there and sighed as you went and pat his head. "There. There. Geez sometimes I feel like I'm the older sibling." You sighed. Kou just sniffled as he continued to hug you close to him. "Hey (Y/n)?" He asked. "Hm?" You hummed. "Promise me you'll always be my number one fan." He whispered.

You just smiled at this as you hugged him tighter. "I promise nii-chan."

~Extended ending~

You stood outside of your school with some of your friends along with your crush. As you guys laughed one of your friends pointed behind you. "Hey (Y/n) isn't that your brother?" She asked. You flinched slightly as you slowly turned your head back only to see Kou standing there wearing sunglasses.

'Tell me that's not supposed to be his disguise.' You thought. You watched as some of the girls in your school swarmed him all fangirling. "He's really popular huh (Y/n)?" (C/n) asked standing next to you. You looked over at him and smiled a shy smile.

"Hehe yeah." You laughed. He smiled at you. "But I'm sure no one is as big a fan as you!" He laughed. You just looked at him and blushed deeply.

"Hehe yeah you're right!"

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