Carla x pregnant reader

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"(Y/n)-nee! You know you're not allowed to leave the room!" You heard your brother in law Shin cry out as he tried to chase you down the hall. You just ignored him as you continued to get some fresh air. "The breeze feels so nice tonight doesn't it Shin?" You asked smiling back at him.

He just looked at you a small blush on his cheeks before quickly shaking his head as he went and took your hand. "Come on! Nii-San is going to get mad at me again because of you!" He yelled desperately. You just sighed looking down. "He really is going to keep me locked up here for the next eight months?" You asked.

Shin could see the sad look in your eyes as you stared out the window admiring the night sky. "...Yes he is. Now come back or else I'll have to you force." He said calmly. You just smiled at this slowly turning your head to him. "You wouldn't do that to me Shin." You said softly.

He didn't say anything as you let out a small sigh. "Alright. Take me back to my room?" You asked walking past him. He just nods his head as the two of you silently make your way back to your room where you'll be locked up for the next eight months.

You were the wife of Carla and you were currently carrying your first unborn son. Of course this made Carla overprotective keeping you locked up in your room until the child was born. Shin was your current bodyguard. The two of you continued to walk in silence before reaching the room.

"Thank you for walking me back." You said looking back at him a soft smile on your face. He just nods his head looking at you like he wanted to say something. "Shin is something wrong?" You asked tilting your head at him as you gently placed a hand on your stomach.

He seemed to hesitate for a moment before starting to speak. "(Y-Y/n)-nee I-!" Before he could finish someone cleared their throat causing both of you to look over and see Carla calmly standing there. "Shin. Did (Y/n) leave her room again?" He asked eyes narrowing.

Shin didn't say anything as he glanced over at you seeing you look at Carla with a soft and loving gaze. He let out a small sigh before looking back at his brother with a blank expression. "No. She was just coming out to ask if I'd get her something to drink." He lied.

You glanced over at him surprised before going back to normal. "Yes that's right darling. I just wanted a drink is all." You said softly. Carla hummed at this before walking towards you. "I see. Shin go and get her water." He demanded. Shin did as told leaving the two of you alone.

You stood there quietly before looking up at him. "How are things?" You asked softly. He just hummed walking
into your room. You quietly followed after him watching as he went and took a seat at the edge of your bed.

"They're fine. How is the child?" He asked looking over at you with those piercing eyes of his. You just smiled as you carefully rubbed your stomach. "Fine." You whispered softly. He nods his head as he continued to stare at you for a moment in silence.

You just smiled at this letting out a small laugh. "What is it?" You asked him curiously. He just shook his head before giving you a soft smile. "Come here." He whispered. You did as told walking over to him. He went and wrapped his arms around your waist gently placing his head on your stomach.

This was a rare thing he did when the two of you found out about the baby. He only showed you his sweet side when he was missing you or when you were sad. You smiled at this carefully stroking his hair. "You're being soft tonight." You spoke calmly.

He only hummed as he smiled feeling the baby move around. "Can't I be soft around my wife and child?" He asked with his usual voice. "Heh. I suppose." You laughed. He pulled away from you looking up into your eyes. "(Y/n)." He spoke causing your heart to speed up.

"I want the baby to be a girl." He admitted. This caught you by surprise. "A girl? Why's that?" You asked curiously. He just hummed looking back at your stomach. "Because I want to be able to see two girls as beautiful as the night sky." He whispered.

You just laughed at this. "How cheesy! You're definitely not yourself tonight!" You laughed. He just nods his head before standing up. "I should head back to take care of the rest of my work tonight." He said. You just nod your head at this. "Will you be back later to sleep?" You asked him.

He just strokes your cheek quietly nodding his head. "I will I promise." He mumbled. You smile at this before lightly placing your lips to his. The two of you stay there for a moment before pulling away. He clears his throat and sighs. "Honestly sometimes I think you're a poison." He mumbled.

"I'll take that as a compliment." You said pulling away from him. He just nods before making his way to the door. When he opened it Shin stood there holding a cup of water. "(Y/n)-nee! I brought it!" He said walking over to you. You smiled at this carefully taking the glass from him as you pat his head.

"Thank you Shin. You're so sweet." You laughed. Carla just watched this before speaking. "Shin." He said causing the said man to flinch. "Yes?" He asked. "What do you want the baby to be?" He asked catching Shin off guard. "Me? Well...I wouldn't mind having another girl around!" He said smiling happily.

Carla nods at this satisfied with his brother's answer. "I see. Me too. Well goodnight." He said before leaving the two of you alone. Shin looked over at you confused. "Is he ok?" He asked. You just smiled looking down at the glass of water. "He's fine." You whispered.

"He's just wanting to have a daddy's girl."

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