•after hours•

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The stupid song kept playing over and over. You were reading a magazine when you heard the door bell.

You looked up to find a tall brown haired boy walking into the store.

"Hi." He smiled.

"Hey." You tried not to be harsh.

"Why so grumpy?" He asked leaning against to counter.

You didn't answer.

"Hello? Sweetheart?" He waved his hand in your face.

"Can I help you?" You asked sharply but you softened when you looked into his eyes.

"U-um. Do you need anything?" I said looking down. He chuckled.

"Um. Yeah. Do you happen to have any muffins?" He asked.

"You come to a gas station looking for muffins?" You laughed closing your magazines.

"Well it was close and I really like muffins. You wanna know my favorite flavor?" He asked coming closer.

"And what would that be stranger?" You smirked.


You then blushed and looked down.

"Well then. Just your luck because I have chocolate muffins." You went to go get them.

Is this guy really flirting with me?
You thought.

It wasn't a few minutes until you realized he was following you because you bumped into him.

"Sorry." You both said then laughed.

"So may I ask for your name?" He smiled.

"How bout you tell me your first?" You asked before making your way back around the counter.

"Shawn. Now you gorgeous."

"Y/n. You must think your really smooth huh?" You said while ringing up the muffins.

"Nah. I just see a pretty girl and I thought that I should address it." He smirked.

"Oh really? That'll be 2.95."

He handed you the money grazing his hand against yours

"Call me sometime love muffin." You said writing on the receipt before handing it to him.

"Will do honey bun." He chuckled.

What a cutie

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