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I headed into the duplex and made my way to the elevator. It was 5:30 and I'd just gotten off of work at the bakery. Flour was put in places I can't even imagine. I'd pulled my curly hair from out of the tight ponytail puff it was in due to the headache forming.

I pressed the button with the arrow that pointed up and within seconds it opened and I stepped inside.

I searched as the doors slowly closed but a pale hand opened them once more and revealed a tall brown eyed boy.

"S-sorry." He nervously smiled and stepped inside.

"It's fine." I chuckled.

Once he got inside he went for the buttons to choose what floor.

"What floor are you?" He looked over at me with a mesmerizing look.

"Uh . Um f-four please." I stuttered the mentally face palmed myself.

"Oh cool I'm on that floor too."
He smiled.

Once he pressed the button he stepped back and we stood in the tight space in silence.


"Hm." I turned towards him.

"My names Shawn." He held his hand out.

"Y/n." I smiled.

"Cute name. Suits you."

I blushed, "thanks"

All of a sudden the lights started flickering on and off and the elevator shook.

I'm not a really big fan of you know elevators ever since that movie on Netflix. So out of habit I screamed and hopped onto Shawn.

He was at first hesitant but then wrapped his arm around my waist to hold me.

The lights stopped flickering but they were a lot dimmer.

I could still see the concerned look on Shawn's face.

"Are you alright y/n." He asked.

"Y-yeah. I think so." I nervously smiled.

"You want me to put you down?" He started to let go of me.

"NO!" I squealed .

He once again tightened his grip on me.

I hid my face in his neck in embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry." I mumbled.

"No it's fine." He chuckled. " I understand that you're afraid."

He slid down and sat down on the floor so I was sitting in his lap. Arms wrapped around each other.

"Well isn't this a nice way to me someone." I laughed looking up at him.

"Haha. It's actually not that bad. I get to cuddle and comfort a really adorable girl."

"You. You think I'm adorable?" My cheeks heated up.

"Yes the way you bury your face into my neck when you're embarrassed and squeeze me when you hear a creak or something eerie." He looked down at me and pushed a curl out of my face.

"Why thank you." I grinned.

So we just sat there and talked not bothering to try and contact any one just getting to know more about one another.

We were talking about music when the intercom in the elevator came on and someone spoke.

"Aww how sweet. Hey I'm a police officer. Don't worry kids well get you two love birds out of there."

"Take your time sir!" We both said and laughed.

About half an hour had passed and we were got out the elevator.

We thanked the firemen and made our way to the stairs.

"Well that was interesting." Shawn said reaching for my hand.

I grabbed it and smiled.

"Indeed it was."

We made it to our floor and coincidently we were right across from eachother.

"Hey I couldn't help but notice the flour on your shirt which is now on my shirt." He chuckled.

"Oh gosh I'm sorry I was just getting off of work at the bakery." I looked at my flour sprinkled shirt.

"The b-bakery." He smiled.

"Yeah..." You said confused.

"You guys make chocolate muffins?" He asked.

"Yeah of course." I could tell he loved muffins a lot.

"We should totally go get some sometime!" He gushed. It was so adorable.

"I'd like that. A- Actually I have some inside. You want some?"

His eyes widened.

"Oh My God Yes!"

After that Shawn never really left. You guys went from friends to lovers to husband and wife telling your children about the funny story how mommy and daddy met and how daddy has a muffin fettish.

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