•its just a project•

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You were in the hallway at your locker with your friend, y/f/n talking about the weekend when your classmate Shawn walked over.

"Uh, hey y/n. I was wondering if you were gonna come to my house or do you want me to come over?" He said while scratching the back of his neck.

"Um. My house is kinda hectic right now. Can we go to yours?" You asked slightly smiling.

"Yeah, sure. Uh here's my address." Shawn handed you a piece of paper.

"Thanks. See you after school?"

"Yeah. B-bye y/n." He said nervously and quickly walked away.

You watched him leave then turned back to y/f/n who looked at you in shock and confusion.


"When were you gonna tell me you got you a little white boy?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"1. He's not little and 2. I don't have him." You said closing your locker.

"You seriously think I'm gonna fall for that? I saw the way you two were looking at each other." Y/f/n crossed her arms.

"Oh come on y/f/n. It's just a project." You chuckled making your way down the hall to your next class with y/f/n right behind you.

"Yeah that's what you say now y/n. Mama didn't raise no fool. He wants you and you want him." She smirked.

"Whatever you say y/f/n."

:: after school ::

You put the address in your phone and made your way to Shawn's house.

You rang the doorbell and waited patiently.

Soon after you saw a blurred tall figure behind the glass and when it was opened revealed Shawn shirtless in some baggy sweat pants.

"Uhm. Hi Shawn." You looked down.

"I'm sorry. I-I didn't know you were coming so early." He turned red and you chuckled.

You stepped inside and stood in the hallway awkwardly.

"Oh you can come up stairs to my room. Unless you wanna do it downstairs. Not do it!! I mean the other it. Not the sex, it. The project." Shawn fumbled his words.

You laughed at his actions. "Shawn I know what you mean. Upstairs is fine."

You both headed up stair and entered a room. You sat on his bed.

"Door closed or open? I mean my parents aren't home but if it makes you comfortable? Gosh I feel like a fuckboy" He said looking at the flood.

He's so adorable.

"Um. Thank you." Shawn said blushing.

"Oh my god I said that out loud!" You yelled before covering your mouth.

"Indeed you did y/n. Now I don't feel so nervous anymore." He laughed while sitting beside me.

"Glad I could help I guess." You smiled.

Shawn put on a shirt then you two started on the project by doing some research and taking some notes which took about an hour including small talk and several snack breaks.

You were in the room silently doing research when Shawn cleared his throat witch brought your attention towards him.

"Um y/n. Can I ask you a question?" He asked seriously.

"Sure Shawn." You put your pencil down.

"How do you feel about um, white guys?" He asked nervously

"That's a little random. But I think they're cool. They're nice." You laughed.

"Do you think you'd ever be interested in one?" He played with his fingers.

"Sure. There's not a single race I'm not attracted to. Since you're asking theses questions.....what about you? How do you feel about black girls?" You rested your elbows on your knees.

"I think they're amazing. They're beautiful, intelligent, strong, and most of all unique. They intrigue me with their independence and variety of shapes and shades. Pure beauty I'd say."

You could see Shawn's eyes twinkle as he talked about you race. You'd never heard someone speak so deeply about something they believe in. It was a beautiful sight.

"Wow. Better than cool and nice." You both chuckled.

There were a few seconds of silence till you spoke up.

"May I ask you why asked me that."

"Well. I kinda was trying to hint that I like you but...." Shawn said looking away.

"Wa-wait a minute. You like me?!" You looked in shock.

"Y-yeah. For some time now. Does that freak you out?" He asked.

"No. Not at all. Actually..." You made your way over to him and sat in his lap.

"I think I might like you too." You said looking into his eyes.

You felt arms wrap around your waist.

"I thought this was just a project?" Shawn smirked.

"Well...it looks like it just became a little bit more than that." You ran your hands through his hair.

Lol ......little white boy

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