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For @skdjldfj

"Fuck I'm nervous."
Shawn fiddled with the bottom of his shirt.

"Yeah I can tell. You're swearing." I chuckled while grabbing our keys.

I walked over to him and kissed his lips.

"Don't worry babe, they'll love you."

I looked up at him and smiled.
"Alright let's go."

We headed out the door and got into the car.

What if I'm not good enough for them?
What are they expecting?

I felt a hand on my thigh.

"It's gonna be okay Shawn.Don't stress over it." I gave him a reassured get smile.

"Hey! I'm not stressing Tara. I'm just...slightly freaking out." He mumbled while looking out the window.

After half an hour we made it to my mom and dads house

Shawn stood beside me while I rang the door bell.

Shawn p.o.v

The door revealed a woman you looked like a shorted aged version of Tara.

"Hey ma! It's been too long!"

I smiled at the both of them but frowned when a man came towards the door glaring at me.

I kind of lowers my head trying to avoid his stare.

"Tara! Who is this white boy and why is he at our door step looking lost!"
The mans voice boomed.

Everyone jumped.

"Daddy! This is Shawn, my boyfriend."
She smiled proudly.

I grinned at her but quickly dropped it once neither one of them seemed pleased with me.

"You're dating him honey!" Her mom yelled.

She sighed. I just proceeded to keep my mouth closed.

"Mom, dad. Don't start!" She retorted.

"Well why didn't you tell us he was white!" Her dad eyed me.

"Excuse me! I didn't think I had too!"
I could tell Tara was getting upset.

I don't see this going to well.

"Here I am thinking you would be happy for me. But no! You're still stuck on the fact that he's white!"

Tears were starting to fill her eyes.

"Baby no offense but we didn't know you were into the jungle fever." They both started to laugh.

That's when the tears finally fell.

I spoke up.

"Excuse me mr. and mrs. I know I may not be the guy you were expecting but I truly don't think this is worth hurting you're daughter. I am greatly in love with here be I believe she's in love with me. All she wants is you're acceptance."

I looked down at Tara and she smiled.

"But it looks to me you're not willing so..goodbye." Tara grabbed my hand and pulled us back to the car.

"Baby are you sure? Those are you're parents." I said worried.

"It's okay. They know they're wrong."

With that we drove home leaving Tara's mom and dad at the door in shock.

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