Chapter One: Meet Camilla

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Before Getting Started:

This is my first ever fan fiction so please be kind!

This story is loosely based on One Direction. It’s my own fanfic, so do respect it. The characters in my story were created thanks to the guys in One Direction. They inspired me to write this story. Do not post my story in other places and if you want to use it in any way, please ask me first. Some of the names of things are made up. So don’t worry .I have never been to London, so if something is wrong, let me know and I'll fix it. Thanks. Thanks so much.

This story is told in to different points of view. Don’t forget to comment and vote. Or follow. Thanks!

A few rules:

1. I believe in commenting, IF the comments are nice, constructive and encouraging. If you post rude comments you will be reported and your comment will be deleted. 

2. If you want to ask me something, just message me or comment, I will respond.

3.Now enjoy…


Chapter One:


It’s a Monday morning, and I’m still in bed. I don’t wanna get up. Last night I went to a friend’s house, they threw a massive party. They always do. I sigh and drag myself out of bed. I look at my owl clock, damn, it’s 9.30am. I’m gonna be late to work. I rush my bathroom, I take a five min shower and grab my black skinny jeans off the floor, where I threw  them last night, and I get a black floral blouse from my closet, I throw is on. I grab my black wedge heels, and get down stairs. I pour some coffee in my purple mug, and grab a muffin. I grab my black leather satchel, my car keys, and I slip into my coat.  Then I’m out the door. I speed off, I keep looking at the dashboard, it 9.58am. I get to work, it a big white complex. I park my car, and walk towards the complex. I work as a fact checker. That’s my fancy job. (Sarcasm) I’m hoping one day, I will write for the magazine I work for, which is GLAM. I live in London, and GLAM is widely known for fashion advice and other things.

I get off the elevator, and head towards my cubicle when I see my boss Marc Jones, head of the fact checkers.

“Camilla Rojas. Late?” he raises a perfectly plucked eyebrow. Honestly, how does he get his eyebrows to look so perfect? That's what I wanna know.

“Marc. Good morning to you too.” I walk by next to him. His cheap copycat Armani perfume clouding up my air. I keep walking. I get to my cubicle and drop my stuff. I’m not late; I look at my watch, one minute till I begin my shift. I quickly log in to my computer and check into the company’s program to let them know I’m starting my shift.

“Cammy?” I hear behind me. I turn around, it’s Olga Cho.

“Hey Olga. Goodmorning.” I look at her, she looks worried. “Everything all right?”

“Have you checked the schedule?” she nods towards my computer.

“No. Why?” I turn and face my computer and log on to the company’s schedule. I gasp.

“Oh My God! What the hell?” I am shocked. We have a meeting with the head of the company. A Mr. Andrew Chanel, he’s the boss of everybody. He founded this magazine when he was 20 years old. I have no idea why we have a meeting with him, we only check facts. We don’t write or anything else. So that’s weird.

“I know, right? That’s, like weird.” She looks like she’s about to pass out.

“Olga, did you eat breakfast?” I ask her. She’s looking supper skinny again.

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