Chapter 42-PART ONE: The Voice of Reason

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Sorry about missing the Friday and Monday update. Kinda been busy.

Okay, Here is chapter 42- part one. I decided to split chapter 42. Both parts will be posted, like what I did with chapter 41. Enjoy!


Chapter Forty-Two- Part One: The Voice of Reason


I stood against the door with my eyes closed, taking deep breaths trying to calm my heart which was beating hard against my chest. Stupid Liam and his bad timing, 'if he had come to me sooner would I have forgiven him?' my brain asks me and the answer is I don't know. Maybe, but I can't be sure.

"He really loves you." I hear my mum's voice, and when I open my eyes she's standing in-front of me.

"I don't think so. Maybe as a friend." I say to her and start walking to the kitchen to get some water, all that screaming made me thirsty.

"You know how your dad and I met?" she asks me after some silence.

"Yeah, he asked you out at the library." I respond while pouring some water in a glass.

"That's right, but what I never told you kids was that after we went on the first date your dad never called me again." She says to me while a slight smile playing on her lips.

"He never called after the first date?!" I ask shocked.

"That's right." she nods, "I saw him again two days later after our first date. He asked me out again and I said yes because I really liked him. He did the same after that date, but this time it was two weeks, not two days." She says to me while I drink my water.

"That's messed up." I say and my mum chuckles.

"Yes it was. I saw him again after the two weeks and he walked up to me and asked me out again. I said yes on one condition."

"What condiotion was that?" I ask her.

"I told him if he ever did that to me again I would never ever say yes to him." She pauses and we laugh. "After that he never not called. After every date we had, the next day he would call and we would talk." She says while smiling. I wonder what the lesson behind the story, because with my mum there is always a lesson. "Hon, Liam loves you. He has been an idiot, I admit that, but he's been trying to win you back ever since."

"I don't know." I shake my head, "What if he hurts me again?" I ask.

"Your father was scared of his liking me turning into loving me. Men are afraid when it comes to romantic things. Liam walked away from you because he was scared of what you two had turning into something real, something serious." She pauses and looks at me. "And while we are on the subject, how many times have I told you to put yourself first and not last?" she asks me.

"But mum! Did you want me to stay with Liam when he would've eventually leave me for Danielle?" I ask shocked.

"And how do you know he would've left you?" she asks.

"I don't. But what I do know is that I couldn't stay with someone who wasn't sure if he loved me or not." I say.

"No honey, you let him go because you were also afraid. Both of you were looking for a way out of that relationship. The timing was off, and if it had not been, he would not have had doubts and you would not have let him go. And you two would be together instead of causing each other all this misery." She says and I hate to admit it, but she's right. We both were not ready for something this serious.

"You're right. But how can I know that the timing is right?"

"It's right because losing each other made you realize that you do indeed love each other, that you need each other and that without each other you are miserable and sulky." She says to me and I grin at her.

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