Chapter Thirteen: More Chaos

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a/n: okay, so here is chap. 13. I decided to break chap 13, since I made too long.

OKAY, so some things happen in this chapter. But i want you to know that everything will turn out good.

okay, ENJOY!


Chapter Thirteen:


After Liam broke down, we tried our best to comfort him. While Niall held Liam, I went and called Camilla. Liam needs her right now. If anybody can help Liam, it's Camilla. She and he have a very strong bond. After he cried himself dry; Niall and Zayn helped him upstairs, so he could try and get some sleep. He fell into a deep dark sleep. Like he hoped to never wake up again.

And Zayn...he's also broken. But he deals with his pain by trying to drown his sorrow with tequila. Which is not good. I just don't know how to help him. I'll ask Camilla.

When I went and checked on Liam, while he slept, I saw him so peaceful and yet so broken. It's sad to see him like that. Mostly because we look to him as our serious, mature daddy direction. But now, now he's so broken I don't know how we'll put him back together. We all sat down in front of the TV. It was on, but none of us was watching it. We all had something in our minds. Liam.

Cam came and talked to Liam. When she came back downstairs, she looked so sad.

"Keep an eye on him. Okay?" She asked all of us. We nodded.

Camilla came and went from Liam's house. She cleaned, she cooked, she washed clothes, she even patched the hole Liam made in the wall.  Zayn, Niall and I stayed with him. Day and night. Lou went home to Eleanor. He values more than everything his relationship. He was scared if kissing Elle. Even if she reassured him. I think we were all in edge. Waiting for the worst to happen. Liam stopped eating and lost weight. When we finally got him to eat, he ate very little. Depressed is what he was. He also grew a goatee. And once, he didn't bath for two days in a row. Camilla had to literally drag him into the shower. And Zayn....he also ate very little. Camilla listened to Liam and Zayn. And she tried her hardest to fix them both. With Zayn, she tried to help him see that nothing could be done to save his sinking relationship. She explained that when a boat sinks, nothing can be done. And finally Zayn saw that it was not his fault. Little by little, Zayn began to heal. It was a long process, but Camilla never gave up.

Now Liam, he was a different story. He blamed himself for not being enough for her. He blamed Danielle for being selfish. He blamed his music carter. For killing his relationship. But Camilla did everything possible. We all did everything that we could do. And when our best was not enough. We called his mum. She came over.

The times Liam came down stairs, he's sat looking at nothing. It's like he had little to say but lots to think about. He would stare at things without blinking. He freaked all of us out. Especially Niall. Niall, he worried like hell for Liam. I don't think I've ever seen him so worried.  Normally Niall is happy-go-lucky and cheerful and worry less. But this time, he worried so much he even ate less. We all were very worried and we spoke less. Like we had nothing to say, even though we had loads on our mind. This had been going on for two weeks. Liam's mum came and stayed but had to leave. She left yesterday.

Today was Saturday. We heard the door bell ring. I got up from the couch, and opened the door. Cam stood there with a red plastic container.

"Hey Camilla. Come in." I said. Once inside, I hugged her and kissed her cheek.

"How are you Harry?"she asked. I shrugged.

"Okay. I guess.." I said. She smiled sadly. She nodded,

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