Chapter Nineteen Continued....

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a/n: you must be wondering why I broke up chapter 19 in three parts, it's beacause something is gonna happen soon. =)

also, check out the song in the media section. it's Safe and Sound by Capital Cities.



I’m proud of Liam, I am. After all, he’s gotten over his break up very good and he’s okay about it. I think he has some leftover feelings for Danielle and that he will always love her, and I pretty sure her has forgiven her.

But I can’t watch him perform. Because I know he won’t ever love me the way he loved Danielle. So after they go back to perform, I head to the bus, as I lie on Liam’s bunk, I think about what I’m doing here. I mean, apart from my work, I know I am here to support Liam and the lads, but also because a slight part of me hopes that Liam will love me as more than a friend. That’s the non-rational part of me; the rational one says that is it impossible and that I will only get hurt. But is it really love if you don’t have to fight for it? My mom always said that the best things in life are things we work for; things we fight for, because the journey of how we got there makes it all worth the while, right? So should I tell Liam, risk it all and lay my feelings on the line? If I do tell him and he doesn’t feel the same, our friendship will never be the same, we might not even have a friendship to go back to. Ugh! Why does everything have to be so complicated?

And Zayn, he knows. How? Beats me. And I think Niall also knows, but he knows better than to push me to tell him my feelings. I close my eyes and I fall asleep.



As we end the song and we say goodbye to the people, we even met some fans and sign a few autographs, I look for Cam. She wasn’t backstage and she wasn’t in the dressing room.

I’m really happy she is here with us. It makes the tour more fun, plus, we get to eat homemade meals which are the best. And we always have clean bunks, a clean bus, clean sheets and clean clothes. She makes sure to find a laundry place everywhere we go and she washes our clothes. Best thing about Cam is she never complains and she does everything wholeheartedly.

She stays with us on the bus, and she sleeps with Niall, who won’t share her with anyone. Niall and her seem to have made a great friendship, I always find them whispering and yapping away. Lou, Zayn and Harry love her also, but like I said, Niall won’t share her attention with us. And he likes to brush her long hair, which I find strange. I mean, Cam has amazing hair, but Niall has a hair fetish.

I walk to our tour bus and look for her. Maybe she came here to get some rest. I search every bunk and find her sleeping on my bunk. I smile; she’s curled up on her side, knees almost touching her chest. She looks so peaceful and cute; I gently moved some hair from her face, then I kiss her forehead. I climb over her, not moving her so she won’t wake up, and lay next to her. I wrap my arms around her waist, laying like this with Cam feels perfect, it feels natural. Why? I think about it and then it hits me. I have feeling for her; I think I may be in love with Cam. And that’s how I fall asleep, with her in my arms.


A/N: what do you think is gonnna happen? cliff hanger!!!!!

untill next time my lovely's.


if you get me enough vote, like about 10, I'll update sooner.


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