Chapter Two: Lunch Date

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Chapter Two:


I finished texting Cammy, short for Camilla.  I’ve known her for years, way before I went and auditioned for the first time on the X-Factor. She always texted me, to encourage me. The when I went for the second time, she did the same. All ways supporting me. She honestly doesn’t know how much I appreciated those texts.

“Hey, did you finish texting Cam?” Niall asks me.

“Yeah, why?” I look at him.

“Aw man. I was gonna ask her something.” He takes a huge bite of the sandwich that I made and he stole.

“What were you gonna ask her?” I go over the kitchen sink with my dirty plate.

“We’re going over to her place for dinner, right?”

“Yeah.” I’m washing my plate.

“Well, I wanted to see if she could make Enchiladas. The one’s she makes are so good.”

“I can ask her.”  I finish washing my plate and dry my hands on a towel. I grab my phone.

“No, that’s okay. I can text her. Just give her number.” He grabs his phone. I scroll to her name.

“Okay. Here it is. 0175-716190.” I put my phone in my pocket.

“Thanks Liam.”  He goes over to his room. I’m actually at his apartment. I live not far from him. We lads like to get together, even when we are not on tour. Louis is with Eleanor and Zayn is with Perrie.  Harry and I came over to Niall’s, to hang out for a while. Danielle is at work.  I’m actually meeting her later, for a lunch date. I look at my watch, it’s 10:50am. I better get going, I gotta take a shower. Before coming to Niall’s place, I went to the gym, so I’m kind of sweaty.

“Niall!” I grab my coat from the closet.

“Yeah?” He pops his head from his room.

“I’m gonna go. I’m meeting Danni for lunch.” I open the front door.

“Okay. Say hi to her for me. See you later?” he asks.

“Yeah. Later. I’ll pick you up.” I tell him.

“Okay.” He nods. Then he goes back into his room.

“Harry?” I look over to where he’s at. He’s looking at the T.V.

“Yeah?” he turns and looks at me, “Right, later man.” He turns back around and stares at the T.V. again.

“Later Hazza.” I close the door. I walk to the elevator, wait, then get in. When I get to the lobby, I walk outside to my car. I get in, turn on the engine and off I go. I park my car, get off and lock it. I walk quickly to my house, unlock the front door, and spot Loki running towards me.

“Hey Boy.” I lock the front door, then bend and pet Loki. He licks my face. I look at my watch again, its 11:00am.

“Damn.”I say out loud. “Gotta run Loki. Meeting Danielle.” I take off to the shower. After a quick one, I get dressed in jeans, a blue t-shirt and some tennis shoes. I run down the stairs, check if Loki has food, and then get to the front door. I grab my coat and my keys. I check my pocket to make sure I have my phone. I pet Loki one more time, then head out. I get to my car, and once I’m inside, I drive off. It’s 11:30 by the time I get to the restaurant. It’s a small Chinese restaurant. I walk in and spot Danielle.

“Hey.” I say when I get to her; I bend down and kiss her cheek.

“Hey Liam.” She smiles at me. I sit.

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