Chapter Thirty-Five: Can't Shake You

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And here is chapter 35. I will say that after this chapter there might only be 5 more chapters left and that will be hen end of MIT. Kinda sad but proud that I will have finished it. Enjoy!


Chapter Thirty-Five: Can't Shake You


Two months without a word of Camilla, it has been...hell to say the least. I didn't know I would miss her so much. I know she talks to Niall and the lads. I can see when Niall gets a phone call that's not Tori, because if it was Tori he would stay put and talk. But when it's Cam, he leaves and talks to her. They Skype with her when I'm not around, last week I walked into the dressing room and found Louis, Harry, Zayn, Niall and Lou and Lux talking to Camilla on the laptop. They turned around to see me and I walked back out. I didn't even catch a glimpse of Camilla.

Speaking of Lux, she misses Camilla a lot. When Lou was getting us ready, Cam would be playing with her or reading to her. Cam was really good with kids, always made me think she'd be a great mum some day.

Danielle had to leave after her two weeks of being on tour with us. But she's back now; she has a break from the studio and came to see us perform in Liverpool, England. I'm glad she's back, truly I am.

Camilla keeps updating the public on our tour, thanks to the contact she has with the lads. I sit on my bunk in the tour bus and look at twitter. Lots of people are excited about the new single we are gonna drop next week. We worked really hard on that on that song.

I was listening to my iPod when a song came on, not a song I put in but a song that Camilla put in. Some country song called "Can't Shake You." by Gloriana. I was about to skip it when I decided to give it a chance. Truth of the matter was that that song fit me more than any other song has ever.

-----Author Note Intervention: Okay, so the next part of this chapter will be joint thoughts. Camilla's and Liam's thoughts, using the song, of course. I hope it's not confusing. The words that are ITALICISED are the lyrics. BOLD words are Liam's and Camilla's thoughts. -----

"Can't Shake You." By Gloriana

I still change the station

Every time they play that song

Can't drive past your house

So I take the long way home


I hate that radio stations play "All Of Me" by John Legend. It's the song that I dedicated to Camilla and I even sang it to her. If you read the lyrics, it sounds like us. Sounded like us, before the break up. I went to visit my family and to get there I have to pass past Camilla's family place, so I drove around it not through. I couldn't bring myself to pass by her house. The place we used to hang out as teenagers.

Your black leather jacket

Still hangin' in my closet

I wish that I could give it away

Oh even though you're gone, somehow you stay


I was going through my closet last week and found Liam's leather jacket. I held it for a while, it has been two months since the airport, which was the last time I saw him. That ache I feel is almost gone, I still ache to see him, talk to him, but that can't happen. I wanted to give it away, donate it or something, but I couldn't so I hung it back in the closet and left it there. Even though he is gone he still hangs around, his memory.

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