Chapter Nineteen: Sad Song & Moving On

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A/N: here is chapter 19. enjoy!


Chapter Nineteen: Sad Song and Moving On


It’s been six months on tour; we’re now in New York, home of Danielle. I don’t dread seeing her or bumping into her, because Cam has helped me move past that. She’s encouraged me to write about what I feel. So I wrote a song, a song that once I presented to the lads, they loved it. So we worked on it, tweaked it and it’s our new single, which we will be singing on the Today Show for the first time since we released it a week ago.

While we wait, Cam and I play poker. She’s not too good at it, her face can’t lie. Harry is on the phone with Olga, it’s like that 24/7. And Niall and Tori Skype all the time, which is what he is doing right now. Zayn is waiting patiently till we get back to London to ask Mac out. Right now they’re just friends. Lou is right now with Eleanor, she flew in two days ago, their deep in a conversation.

“Okay boys, we’re ready for you.” Calls one bloke. We all nod and Cam follows us. Before heading on stage, I turn to look at her.

“You’ll do great.” She says to me reassuringly and she squeezes my hand. I nod and walk on stage with the lads.

“Welcome One Direction!” say the host. “Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan and Liam Payne!” We smile and sit down. “Welcome back, how are you?”

“We’re doing great, thank you.” Says Harry.

“How are you?” ask Niall.

“Very good, thanks Niall. So I hear you released your new single and it’s hit a billion views in 24 hours, is that right?”

“Yeah, that’s right.” Says Louis.

“And it’s called “Leaving.” Right?”

“Right again.” Says Zayn.

“I hear you wrote this song by yourself, is that so Liam?” she asks me. I nod.

“Yeah, a very close friend of mine told me to write and out came this song.”

“Yeah, and when he showed it to us, we were like, we need to release this song to the public.”

“If I am correct, that close friend you’re talking about is Camilla Rojas, child hood friend, right?”

“Yeah, that would be her.” I smile at the mention of Cam.

“And she’s currently on tour with you, right?” she asks.

“Yes, and we love having her with us!” exclaims Niall and the audience laughs.

“Why is that?” she asks.

“What do you mean why? We have clean clothes, home cooked food, our sheets are clean, and she keeps us sane.” Says Niall. The lady laughs.

“I don’t think she’d be too pleased to know those are the only reasons.”

“Not just those, she’s very good company.” Says Zayn.

“And she’s funny and loving.” Says Harry.

“And Cam reminds us of home. She’s a very good listener, honest and just great person.” I say.

“She sounds amazing. I’ve seen pictures of her with you lads and can I just say she is beautiful.” Says the lady.

“Yeah, she is. Have you seen her hair?” asks Niall and we all laugh.

“I have seen her hair. It is very gorgeous.” Says the lady. “Why is Camilla on tour with you?”

“She’s on tour with us because she writes her own magazine column and she gives our fans an inside look at what is currently going on.” I tell her.

“That sounds like loads of fun.”

“It is. We also do videos where we let the fans know what’s going on and Cam posts them on her magazine column online.”

“Lucky fans you have.” She says with a laugh, “Now, why did you say you needed to release this song to the public?”

“Well, because people can relate to it.” says Niall.

“Because it’s a song about a break up, right?”

“Yes and No.” I say.

“What do mean yes and no?” she asks us.

“We mean that it can be about what you want it to be. A break up, losing someone you care about, you catch my drift?” says Harry.

“I do, now the question I imagine many people are asking, is did you write it about your recent break up, back in January, with Danielle Peazer?” She asks me, I knew that was coming.

“No. I wrote this song because it’s about losing someone you really care about. And how one feels when that person is gone.”

“But… my question is, did the break up inspire you to write the song?”

“A bit, but we all have lost someone in our lifetime, and this song is about the point of view from the person who got left behind.” I say.

“Interesting. Now, I know that the ladies want to know, who is single?”

“Louis, Harry and I are currently dating.” Says Niall.

“Really? And who the lucky ladies be?”

“I’m still with Eleanor.” Says Lou.

“And my girlfriend and I have decided to keep her name under wraps, it’s only been a few months, so until then, no one knows who she is.” Says Harry, smiling cheekily at the camera.

“Oh c’mon, share!” says the host. Harry just shakes his head. “Oh okay. Niall?”

“Same here. I won’t say her name, but she is the most amazing girl I have ever met.”  Niall smiles and blushes.

“Oh you boys are gonna kill a million girls with being off the market!!!” She says. And we laugh. “Now, Liam, Zayn, you two are still single, right?”

“Yes.” Says Zayn.

“Well, girls, Liam and Zayn are still available. After a short break, the boys will perform their hit single. We’ll be right back.” She says smiling at the camera. Break!


A/N: and i'm posting chapter 19 continued next.

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