Chapter Twenty-One continued....Just You and Me

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Two months of dating Liam and I think I haven’t been happier. We’re back in London for a few weeks. Liam and I spend almost every second together, that is until I sent him off to visit his family. So I stay in London working. Niall and Tori went to meet his parents, same with Harry and Olga. Zayn finally asked Mac to be his girlfriend, and they are so happy. I’m typing away on my computer when my doorbell rings. I walk over and see who it is. I see no one, I’m about to walk away when they knock. I open the door,

“Hello Love.” Says Liam, he has his suitcase with him.

“Ahh!!” I yell and slam into him, he hugs me fiercely. Then he kisses me,

“Missed that.” He murmurs against my lips.

“Only that?” I ask.

“And the cooking.” He murmurs again. I giggle.

“And…” I say.

“And you.” He says kissing me again.

“You better.” I say when we break for air. We walk inside my flat.  “What are you doing back so early?”

“Gee, don’t be too happy.” He says and I laugh.

“You know what I mean.” I say walking to my kitchen and placing the kettle on the stove.

“I missed you too much and my mum saw me moping and told me to come back for you.” He says sitting on my bar stool.

“Come for me? Why?” I ask him while I grab to cups.

“Yeah, my mum is hosting a dinner thing, so she told me to bring you home.” He walks up behind me and hugs me. He nuzzles his face into my neck; he knows I’m ticklish there. I start laughing like a maniac. I turn around in his arms,

“Stop that!” I say laughing.

“Okay, okay.” He says with a huge grin on his face. I lean against the counter; he leans in and kisses me. We only break when we hear the kettle whistling. I wiggle out of his embrace and fill our cups with water, and then I place the tea bag in.

“Would you like some tea?” I ask.

“I want something else, but…” he says winking at me. I swat his arm,

“Don’t be nasty.” I say.

“Okay, tea will do.” He says grabbing his cup.

“Better.” I say and we walk to my living room, where I was working.

“Hey, do you have a dress to wear?” he asks me and I look at him like he’s crazy. “I thought so.” I shrug. I hate dresses. He grabs my telly control and turns it on. He begins channel surfing. “You’re gonna need a dress.” He says. I groan,

“Ugh…why?” I pout at him.

“Dinner party, mum wants it to be a black tie thing.” He states plainly while smiling at me. He enjoys seeing me squirm. “You’re gonna have to buy one.” He sings.

“Fine, on one condition.” I say.

“You’re negotiating?” he ask and I nod.

“You know it.” I say.

“Okay, what is it.”

“You take me.” I say and Liam looks shocked.

“Go dress shopping with you?” he asks.

“Yes sir.” I say.

“No, Cam. Don’t make me do that….” He says but I cut him off.

“You want me to look good?” I ask. He nods. “Then you’ll take me dress shopping.”

“Fine. You owe me big time.”

“Thank you.” I say. He looks at the telly, I scot over and sit on his lap with my legs on either side. I bend down and kiss his neck.

“Cam…” he whispers. His breath tickles my neck. His hands head to my waist and I kiss his neck all the way up to his lips. I run my hands over his chest, he pulls me closer, I kiss him beside his lips, but not on the lips. I brush my lips again against his. His hand that was at my waist moves up my back and sends shivers down my spine. It reaches my neck and he moves my face closer to his. Then his lips smash into mines. I stroke his neck and play with his hair at the nape of his neck. I pull back from our kiss and rest my head on Liam’s chest; I can feel his chest go up and down as he breaths. And I can hear his heart slowing down. I close my eyes and his arms wrap around me protectively.

“Damn you Cam.” he says quietly. I smile, I sit up and look him in the eyes and say,

“You know I love you, right?” for some reason he needs to know. He looks deeply in my eyes, his brown eyes swirling with emotion,

“I know.” He says. I nod slightly, then I rest my head back on his chest and I stay like that, on his lap, eyes closed.



Camilla fell asleep in my arms. I missed her so much when I was with at my parent’s house. I look at her while she sleeps. I turn off the telly and carry Cam to her bed. It’s around 8pm. I lay her down gently, but she won’t let me go. I finally make her let go, I turn to leave, but she grabs my arm.

“Don’t go.” She whispers, her eyes wide.

“I’m gonna brush my teeth and change.” I say smiling.

“Okay, hurry back.” She says quietly. I change into my shorts and then I brush my teeth. I head back and find Camilla asleep. I get in bed and she scoots over to me. I wrap my arms around her waist again. She pecks my lips,

“Night.” She says.

“Night.” I say to her. And then we fall asleep.





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