Chapter Six: Continued

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Chapter Six: Continued...


After working on writing lyrics for an hour, I lose my focus. I want to know so badly what Danni wants to talk about. What if she wants to break up with me? Things have been a little awkward between us. Some tension, but when I ask her what’s wrong, she says that nothing is the matter.  Sometimes I think that she hates being in my fame shadow, I get that. She’s an amazing dancer, and for her to be known as Liam Payne’s girlfriend all the time must suck. I just don’t know what to do about it. It’s not like I can stop being who I am. Suddenly, I’m pulled from my dark thoughts because something hits my forehead.

“Hey!” I say looking at the lads. “What was that for?” I ask.

“Harry was asking you something, and you were off in La, La land.” Says Niall, laughing. He’s probably the one that threw the donut at me. Now I have sprinkles on my forehead.

“I was thinking.” I say.

“What about, mate?” asks Zayn. I look at them, and then I say,

“I think Daniele is gonna break up with me.” I say.  They all look at me like I’ve lost my mind.

“What?! How do you know that?!” asks Louis.

“She texted me in  the morning saying we had to talk…”

“Oh, that’s not bad.” Says Zayn, cutting me off, he’s smiling at me.

“And when I asked her about what, she avoided the subject and hurried to say goodbye.” I finish and Zayn’s smile falls off.

“Oh…damn.” He says. Harry, Louis and Niall stay quiet.

“It can’t be something bad. What if she wants to talk about going on vacation? Just you and her. And she didn’t want to spoil the idea?” asks Niall. He will forever be optimistic and jolly.

“Oh sure, like it’ll be that.” I say, my voice thick with sarcasm.

“Liam, be positive. What good can come out of thinking that way?” asks Harry.

“No good.” I say.

“Exactly. So just, try not to over think. Like you always do.” Says Louis. I nod at them.

“I guess. I just can’t imagine losing her.” I say to them.

“I know mate. I can’t imagine life without Perrie.” Says Zayn, and he gets this sappy smile.

“Same here. Life without Eleanor is no life at all.” Says Louis. I nod. They get me. Harry and Niall look at us like we’ve lost it. They shake their heads.

“Oh, I was gonna ask. Who’s Abby and why does she want me to call her?” asks Niall. I look at him,

“What are you talking about?”

“Well, inside the box, I found a napkin and it says, ‘Liam, can you give this to Niall and ask him to call me? Thanks! XOXO Abby.’” Niall says, I stand and go over to him. I look at the napkin. Huh, it does say that.

“Abby is the girl that served me the food.” I say.

“Is she good looking?” asks Niall.

“You can’t hook up with a stranger!” I say to him. “Plus, I thought you hit it off with Tori?” I mention the blonde with blue eyes and Niall blushes. We all laugh.

“Tori is…she’s something else.” He says with a huge smile. “I asked for her number, I just haven’t texted her yet.” He says.

“Why the hell not, mate?” asks Harry.

“I don’t know what to ask her. Should I ask her to dinner?” he asks looking at us.

“Most defiantly.” We all say and Niall nods.

“You ding-dong.” Says Harry.

“Speaking of girls and dates, what about you and Olga?” I ask him, and he smiles shyly.

“I saw you two very cozy.” Says Louis. And Louis and I high five, seeing that he’s turning bright red. We got him.

“That’s…um…that’s nothing” he stumbles over his words.

“Oh, sure its nothing. Why are you blushing boo bear?” asks Louis and we laugh like crazies.

“Olga and I are friends.” He says.

“Right! Friends!” says Niall. Then Harry grabs a pastry and throws it at Niall, it hits his blond-brown hair.

“Oi!!!!” Niall says. His hair has chocolate on it. That starts the Great Food Fight of THE CENTUARY.  We all throw donuts and whatever we find.

“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE???!!!” Paul screams. We all freeze. Paul is red from screaming. He left us alone for about five minutes and this is what happened. “GET CLEANED UP!!” He roars and we head to the restroom. I have sprinkles and chocolate all over my face and shirt. The lads are the same as me. Niall is laughing like a maniac. After we get cleaned up, we head back to the studio. Paul is waiting for us.

“We’re sorry Paul. We’ll clean up.” I say to him and he nods. We clean the place up. My t-shirt still has chocolate stains, so I head to the locker we have. I always keep and extra t-shirt for me.

“I’m hungry.” Whines Niall.  I roll my eyes.

“How can you be hungry? We just had a food fight?” asks Louis.

“Food fights make me hungry!” says Niall. "Plus, we threw the food. We didn't eat it!" Niall states and Louis laughs. “Liam, can we go eat?” he asks me when I come back.

“Sure, it is lunch time.” I say. We all look at the clock. It’s nearly 11pm.

“Let’s go get some Nando’s!!!” Niall screams.  I look at the rest of the lads and they nod.

“Nando’s it is.” I say. Niall does a victory dance. “Hey, Paul, you coming?” I ask him.

“Yeah.” He walks behinds us. “I’ll drive.” He says. We nod. “When will you grow up?” he asks.

“Maybe when we turn 30.” Says Niall, and we laugh. It’s always been this way with us. We like to joke around, but we also get our work done. Paul shakes his head. We get in the car and we go get some lunch.






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