Chapter Thirty-Seven:Realization

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Sorry but I fear that the story might be longer than anticipated. I had said 40 chapters but if I do make them in 40, it will sound thrown together and rushed and I don't want that. So, bare with me and stand by me. I think it will be about 42 chapters plus the epilogue. and that would be the end. I won't write a sequel, unless you want me to. I have some other works in plan, I'll let you know at the end of this story.

I just want to thank the readers who have stuck by me and I know my writing is not that good, I make mistakes in the writing and that is partially because I don't have an editor. I go over them but I miss things. Imperfection, what can I say?

Also, I want to say that I am happy because I haven't missed an update day. Yay!! I'm what you can call a procrastinator and I have forced myself to not be that person. Yay for me. Okay, I'll let you go. Enjoy!


Chapter Thirty-Seven: Realization


So I after Liam went outside with Niall, Harry, Zayn and Louis followed and I knew they were talking about something important. I think they may have been talking about Camilla. I swear that girl has them all hanging on her pinky finger. What's so important about her anyways? I mean she's nice and funny and she's okay in the looks department, but what makes her more special? Plus, if they're talking about her that means Liam has been wondering about her. Which makes me a bit pissed off, I mean wouldn't you if your boyfriend was talking about or thinking about his ex-girlfriend?

I know Liam misses her, I can see it even if he tries to hide it from me. The way he looked after Niall, Louis, Harry and Zayn when they disappeared to Skype with Camilla. That day at the airport when Cam ignored him and only talked and said goodbye to the lads and not him, he was hurt, I saw it in his eyes and I know he wanted to go after her and apologize, he wanted to make things right.

What if I was wrong? Wrong about him not being in love with Camilla? Maybe all these small things point to the fact that he does indeed love Camilla. It's not only those things, yesterday when we went shopping he saw an owl sweater and he laughed to himself and looked like he was remembering something or someone. And some nights he talks in his sleep and once he said Camilla. How could I have been so stupid and blind? How could I not have seen that Liam is indeed in love with Camilla?

Eleanor told me that when we broke up the first time, he tried to drown himself in alcohol but not with Camilla. All he wants to do is make things right with her, to talk, to see her, to hold her in his arms. I totally messed up, I was so blinded by my jealousy of Camilla and my own stupid lust and my own desires that I let myself believe that Liam and I could work again. We can't, he loves Camilla and I don't love Liam. I mean I do, I always will, we have so much history and that can't be erased, but thing is that Liam and I used to work, but now he needs Camilla. I know what I have to do. I need to end things with him. Make him see that he is in love with Camilla.

"Babe?" I hear Liam call me. I turn around and look at him. He standing beside the music instruments.

"Yeah?" I ask him and walk towards him.

"We need to talk." He says to me and I sort of smile. I think we both are on the right page. I nod.

"Okay, let's talk." I say and we walk to the tour bus.


A/N: SO... what does Liam want to talk about with Danielle? Can it be that he saw the light like Danielle did? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section. Sorry it's a bit short and sorry to leave you hanging, but I hoped you liked it. Till Friday.

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