Chapter Twelve: Chaos

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 a/n: okay, chap 12, enjoy!


Chapter Twelve:


I woke up with the worst hangover ever. Worse than last night. It's been a week since Zayn and I got dumped. Practically every day, we go and party. Cam has banned me from the alcohol. But I don't listen. I'm living the single life with my lads. Niall, Harry, Zayn and I go out every night and come back home pissed drunk. Today is Friday! We'll party more than the past days. Simon has been nagging us about the songs for the new album. But we asked for a personal month. We just need to be normal blokes for a while.

Camilla has been coming and going from my house. She cooks and cleans. Plus, she helps out with the hangovers. And she helps us hope that there is women like Camilla. Women who don't give up when the going gets rough. Or when people call her names. The paps have been nagging her ever since they found out about Zayn and my break up. They nag her because she's been seen a lot leaving my house or Zayn's flat. They dubbed her the switcher between lads. They think that Zayn and I share her. Romantically. Which is total and utter stupidity. Her twitter account has been blowing up. Mostly people are thanking her for helping Zayn and I with our break ups. But there is some who have been sending death threats and mean comments. But when I asked her how she was feeling about the comments. She laughed and said that they were people that were hurting. And she sent them a sweet and short message. Wishing them the best in life. I laughed at that. Cam is so amazing. She really doesn't care what people think about her. She just ignores the bad things and focuses on the good things in life.

Of course, I still miss Danielle. Especially when I hear a song or see Loki. I have tried calling her. But she won't pick up.

I'm looking through my mail. It's a lot. I haven't cheeked it for a week. I see an envelope with New York written on it. I immediately open it. It's from Danielle.



The lads and I are upstairs in Liam's room. We've been spending a lot of time here. Well, except for Lou. He goes home to Eleanor. We're getting ready to go out. I think Cam was gonna meet us at the club. I'm snapped out of my thought's because we hear something shatter downstairs. We all run and find Liam throwing whatever her finds and yelling:

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" He kicks the bar stools.

"Liam! What's going on?!" I tell at him. Loki runs and hides.

"What's wrong?!"asks Harry.

"What's wrong?!!!" He turns and faces Harry. "What's wrong is that I'm the most stupid and idiotic idiot on this planet!!!!" He screams the pushes Harry out of his way. He storms to the living room. We follow him, he's ripping and throwing pictures of Danielle and him.

"Liam! Tell us what's the matter!!!!" I yell at him. 

"Look at the letter!!!" He yells. He is so angry. His face is red.

Letter? What letter? I look at Zayn and Zayn goes to the kitchen and comes back with a piece of paper. He hands it to me. I read it quickly, it's from Danielle and it says:

Dear Liam,

Please stop calling me. You need to give me my space. I've changed my number so you won't call me again. It's what's best. For both of us.

I hope one day you can understand why I did what I did. I didn't do it to hurt you.

But I had to follow my dreams. Just like you've always told me. And you did the same. Otherwise you wouldn't be here, would you?

I'm not blaming you. But when you moved forward, you leave people behind. Even if you love them.

I'm so sorry Liam. I hate that I had to hurt you. You've been the best boyfriend that any girl can wish for. I'm in New York City now. As you can see from the postage. I didn't put a sender because I don't want you to try and find me. We both need our space.

Please don't hate me Liam. Don't push people away. They love and care for you. I wish you the best, but most of all I wish you true and honest love.

One day you will understand why I did what I did.

Goodbye Liam.

Love- Danielle

Aww, that's cold. How could she write a letter like that? I look at Liam.

"I'm sorry Liam." I say to him. He smirks at me.

"Why Niall? That's the best letter I've ever gotten!" He says sarcastically. "I've been the stupidest bloke not to see that she had been leaving all along." I wince with his words. It hurts to see him this way. He's our daddy direction, the mature one. But now, he's so broken and torn.

"Idiot!!!" He screams and punches the wall. Oh no, he made a hole. "Damn it!!!" He tells holding his hand.

"Liam, calm down." I say to him. He walks to me and shoves me.

"Don't tell me what to do!!!" He yells at me. I step back from him. Liam never screams at me. I try not to cry. It hurts that he's in pain, but now he's hurting people that care about him.

"I'm sorry Niall." He says and hugs me.

"It's okay." I say. Hugging him back. Liam starts crying. I pat his back. Then I mouth to Harry to call Camilla. He needs her. "It's gonna be okay." I say. Trying to soothe him. But he just keeps crying. Makes me wonder if Danielle even loved him.

(Authors note: please don’t hate me. I know I broke Zayn and Liam, but it’s for the sake of the story. Also, don’t hate Danielle. Thank you!)



After I read Danielle's letter. I lost it. What can I say? I'm just so angry at her. Did she even love me? I even snapped at Niall. Niall! My best friend. I was such an idiot to be mean to him. Niall just wants to help. All the lads want to help.

As I watched Niall read the letter, I couldn't read his expression. Was he angry? Was he pitying me? I stopped caring about what he thought and I thought about Danielle. How could she do this to me? After all we've been through?

After my outburst, I broke down crying. I sank to the floor, Niall holding me. I just lost the woman that I'm in love with. She was everything to me. I cry like little boy. I cry because I lost her, forever. I cry because she's gone and there's nothing I can do. I cry because I miss her so much. If this was movie, they'd be playing a sad song in the background. Something like "In My Veins." By Andrew Belle. But this is not a movie. This is MY life. And right now, the woman I love is ripped away from me. She sabotaged our love. How can I ever fall in love again? I can't. I won't! The lads try to comfort me. But nothing can be done.  I'm broken and nobody can fix me.


A/N: I was listening to Andrew Belle while I wrote this chapter. If you don’t know who that is, please check him out. He is absolutely amazing! In fact, when reading this chapter, listen to his song. I found it made it more emotional.

Okay, let me know what you think in the comments. dont forget to vote!


love- MimLuv >0<

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