Chapter Twenty-Nine:Decision Making

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A/N: Here is chapter 29. Enjoy!


Chapter Twenty-Nine: Decision Making


I know I broke and hurt Camilla. But she's the one that choose for us to break up. She's the one who told me to leave; she's the one who said we needed to break up. I will admit that I didn't fight her on it, but I was respecting her decision. Hate me, I know you want to.

Right now I am waiting for Danielle at my place. I have to talk to her. I made a decision and I know that the lads might not like it, but I will deal with them later. I pour myself a drink and sip. I'm surprised by the way that Cam reacted, she was angry but most of all she was hurt. I could see the pain in her big brown eyes and that tore my heart up. It's not that I don't care about Camilla, I do believe me, but Danielle and I make sense. How can I forget all those years that I was in love with her? You can't and that's why... oh someone is knocking on my front door.

I go and open. There stands Danielle in a brown leather jacket and brown riding boots, her curly hair blowing in the wind.

"Danni" I say and she smiles. I smile back; it's good to see her.

"Liam, you wanted to talk." She says to me.

"Yeah, come in." I move and she walks past me and into the living room. I close the door and I watch as Danielle looks around,

" wanted to talk?" she asks me.

"Yeah, you want a drink?" I ask her.

"Yeah, sure." She responds and follows me into the kitchen.

"What do want to drink?" I ask her.

"Water is fine." She says sitting at the bar stool. I pour water for her in a glass.

"Here you go." I hand it to her.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" she asks after taking a sip.

"Camilla and I broke up." I blurt out. She raises an eyebrow.

"Okay..." she keeps looking at me.

"You were right. I can only love Camilla as a friend. I was wondering if you and I could give it another shot." I say to her, she stands up and walks over to me.

"I knew you would see the light." She says before kissing me on the lips. I kiss her back, slowly at first and then deeper. It feels good to have Danielle back in my life.



When Liam texted me to go to his flat, I knew had made a choice and that choice was me. He choose me over Camilla. I can't help but smile because I have Liam back in my life. What did you think I was gonna say? That I'm happy he dumped Camilla for me? I'm not a mean person, but when you love someone you fight for them. That's what I did; I fought for the man I love. And anyways, Camilla and him aren't in love, they're good friends is all.

I know that the band mates will not be too pleased that Liam left Camilla, but he and I can take anything. I look over to where Liam is sound asleep, I smile. I missed him so much. I never moved on from him, I mean how could I? Liam is the love of my life. And life has given me a second chance and I am not ruining it this time. I won't let Liam slip away.


A/N: I know its a bit short. Please bare with me. Thanks! do you think Liam made the right choice?

let me know. comment-vote

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