Chapter Three: Random Feelings?

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*** Author's Note: Before starting, something happens that might make you react in an angry form.I wanted you to see that there is chemistry between them, but neither acknowledges the chemistry. Thought I'd warn you. By the way, if you want to be one of the boys girlfriends, let me know and I'll put you in. Just send me a message and tell me your name and a quick description of how you look.Thanks. Okay, now enjoy. Don't forget to Comment-Vote-Or-Follow me. Thanks!!!!!!


Chapter Three:


I’m typing away when George arrives, he’s our receptionist.

“Cam?” he says behind me.

“Yeah?” I turn around in my chair and look up at him.

“You have a visitor.” He says in a boring tone. I think George needs a change of job.

“Okay. Who?” I save my work.

“Some lad named Liam Payne.”

“Oh, okay. Send him my way. Thanks.” I smile at George; he looks at me for a second, and then walks away. Okay, that was weird. I look at myself in the small mirror hanging from my cubicle wall. I smooth down my brown wavy hair and I smooth my blouse down.

“Hey Stranger.” I hear behind me. I turn around with a smile on my face, but the smile falls when I see who is standing there. Rex Simmons, the skanky, cheating, bastard that was once my boyfriend.

“What are you doing here?” I say shocked, and then I take a step back and bump into my desk.

“Don’t look so shocked Cam. I came to see you.” He walks closer. Before I notice what he is doing, I see him leaning in and his lips touch my cheek. It all happens in slow motion, my arms flying in the air, right as his lip touch my cheek, then my hands makes contact with his face. He immediately pulls back.

“What the….?” He has his hand on his face. He looks frightened or startled.

“Oh…My…God…” I gasp out. I had no idea I was gonna do that, it was an instinct.

“Damn it Cam.” He’s rubbing his face, he moves his hand away and I notice that I left my hand print on it. Damn, I hit him hard.

“What was that for?!!!!” he asks, he sounds angry. That’s another reason why I dumped him, his temper. One minute he’s cold and the next he’s hot.

“Rex, you can’t come here to my place of work and see me. We are not together anymore. Remember?” I pause and he nods. “And you can’t use someone else’s name to see me. Okay?”

“I only used his name because I knew if they told you Rex was her, you’d send me away.” He sounds apologetic, that’s one of his tricks. He’ll sound sincere but truly he wants to get away with anything, “Are you seeing him?” he frowns.

“Who?” I ask.

“Liam. Who else?” he says. That would be another of his many qualities’. Jealousy. I always trusted him but he never trusted me. Bastard.

“Why the hell do you care who I am dating? I am not your girlfriend anymore. Now leave.” I wave him off.

“No! “ his voice is getting higher, and if Marc hears it, I can totally lose my job. I see some of my coworkers looking at me. Olga is one of them, she meets my eyes and mouths ‘You Okay?’. I smile at her and nod. I look back at him.

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