Chapter Forty: Time With The Family

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A/N: Hello there! Here is chapter 40. Yay!!!! Enjoy!


Chapter Forty: Time With The Family


I was in Miami but I came back to my parent's home. It's been almost 6 months since Liam and I broke up. I still feel that ache, that breathlessness when I think about him and I miss him, sometimes. I had to come home because I was ruining the vacation for Nick and Olga with my gloomy mood. Plus, you know how they say to mend a broken heart it takes a village? No, wait. That's what they say when you have a kid. Duh! Sorry, my mind is a bit cluttered at the moment. But, I do need the comfort of my childhood home and my loving parents to help me along.

My dad walks in my room while I'm drinking my tea and he sits beside me on my bed. I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Hey Honey." He says quietly.

"Daddy." I say. He wraps an arm over my shoulders and pulls me in closer.

"What's going on love?" he asks me.

"What do mean dad?" I ask him.

"You seem different." He says to me. My dad was always able to read me so good. After a few moments of silence I say,

"I fell in love." I say quietly but my voice breaks.

"Oh honey." He says to me. He holds me closer and for a while all we can hear is my silent crying, then he starts talking,

"You know, when you were little I used to come to your room when you slept in your crib. I checked on you constantly because you're my baby girl. I remember when we brought you home from the hospital. So small I thought I could break you." He pauses then says, "When you went to school the first time, you would not let go of my leg, I had to peel you off of me and hand you over to the teacher. Then you began to cry. I felt so bad leaving you, but your mum pulled me away." He chuckles and I look at my dad as he recounts my childhood. "As you grew older, I was afraid of the day when you would start liking boys because I would lose my baby. And your mum would scold me for being a jealous daddy." He chuckles and I can feel the tears coming back. "I wanted to keep you from growing up; I wanted you to be my little girl forever. I remember the first time you and I fought. You yelled that you hated me because I would not let you go to a party. The next day you came to me crying, apologizing for saying that. I held you and kissed your forehead and I knew... I knew you'd be an amazing woman when you'd grow up. And today, I see a woman, a woman who's all grown up and that makes me feel old." He says laughing and I smile.

"Dad... you're not old and you will always have my love." I say to him then I kiss his cheek.

"I know that honey, but I hate that when I look into your eyes that spark you've had all your life is gone. I hate that you've had to go through this pain of being in love. I wanted to protect you from harm, but I know that you'll be okay. You're a strong, independent woman, just like your mum." He says kissing my forehead. "Promise me you won't give up on love, no matter how hard or painful it is because love is always worth the pain and the road towards it can be wonderful."

"I promise dad." I say and he nods.

"Good, because you haven't lived until you've loved." He says then he stands up to leave and before he closes the door he says, "Damn I'm old." I smile at that. My dad is right; I've lost that spark I had. I've lost my way and I have no idea how to get back from that pain. He's also right about love, I know what it's like to have loved and lost. It's been amazing but at the same time it has been hell. That's it! The light bulb goes off in my head. I have an idea for a column. I snatch my laptop and open a Word Document. Here it goes:

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