Chapter 41-PART THREE: Midnight Serenade

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Chapter Forty-One:

Part Three: Midnight Serenade


I was having the best sleep of my life when I heard music outside. I cursed the person who decided that playing music at… wait let me see the time…at 2 in the morning, was a genius idea. I swore I would kill whoever disrupted my sleep. You don’t mess with a person while they sleep; it’s rude and just plain wrong.

I walked over to my window and almost had a heart attack when I saw the disrupter of my sleep. It was Liam and the rest of the band outside, on my parent’s yard…singing?! Okay, I must be dreaming. I pinched myself and when I opened my eyes, there they were. Still singing, and I bet you’re wondering what they’re singing. You are aren’t you? Well its “Back For You.” By them. Then I saw Olga and Nick. Great! My best friend gave away my hideout. I rushed down the stairs and opened the front door. I walked out in my sleeping clothes ready to give them a piece of my mind.

"What are you doing here?!" I yelled/whispered.

"I came to tell you I'm sorry for being such a jerk. And that I love you." Liam says to me as he neared me. I stepped back, now he tells me!! He IS dense when it comes to women.

"You guys need to go home. Nick and Olga..." I started to say but Olga cut me off.

"He needed to talk to you." says Olga in her defense.

“I don’t care.” I said then turned to leave.

"We'll keep singing!" Said Liam, I turned and stared at him open mouthed. He wouldn’t!! I walked back.

"You will do no such thing. You WILL leave, or I'll call the police." I said to him sternly. He walked closer to me and without thinking I took a step back.

"Camilla, I AM so sorry for not realizing what I had in-front of me till I lost you. I've missed you like crazy, I came here to apologize and see if you could give us one more try." He looked at me with those puppy dog brown eyes, I shook my head.

"I'm sorry Liam. It's too late." I said to him.

"Camilla, please..." He pleaded with me.

"Lads, take him home. Please!" I said to Niall and the rest.

"Camilla, just hear him out." Said Harry.

"I have heard him out. He loves me, or so he says he does.” I said in a condescending voice.  “But thing is, it's too late." I say to Harry while looking at Liam.

"I do love you Cam!" Liam protested.

"It's never late for love." Says Louis.

"You’re such a romantic Lou!” I said to him and he smiled sheepishly. “Please leave." I said to them and started to walk away.

"Cam!” Niall yelled after me. “He went to look for you in Miami. The least you can do is hear him out and think about it." Says Niall. I turn back around and march to him.

"I'm sorry he flew all the way over there. I'm sorry he wasted his precious time. I'm sorry I made him catch a flight to Miami. I'm sorry I wasn't there. I'm sorry but I… don't…give… a… DAMN!” I paused at every word. Niall looked shocked. “Who's fault was it in the first place that I had to vacation so far away?!" I asked angrily.

"Cam..." Niall started but I cut him off.

"It was his fault!" I pointed at Liam. I turned and faced Liam.  "I gave you my all, and you threw it all away to be with Danielle." I made some hand gestures. "Did she leave you again? Is that why you're here? You want a back up?" I asked him patronizingly. “Hmmm….”

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