Chapter Twenty-Six: The Surprise Visit

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A/N: Sorry to leave you hanging, but a pause is good for effect and drama. Sorry, here is chapter 26. It's a bit short but chapter 27 will be EPIC and long.



Chapter Twenty-Six: The Surprise Visit


I'm getting ready to go have dinner with Camilla. She invited over Niall and Tori. So like a double date. Of course Camilla is cooking. I finish getting dressed and I go brush my teeth. I'm almost done brushing my teeth when I hear my doorbell ring. I rinse and spit the tooth paste out. Then I run downstairs and open the door. The person I find standing there gives me so much shock I think I'm seeing things. I blink twice, but she's still here, on my steps.

"Hello Liam." Says Danielle.

"Danielle." I whisper. She smiles. What is she doing here?

"Are you gonna ask me in?" She asks me, smiling.

"We can talk out here." I say closing the door behind me.

"It's a bit chilly; don't you think?" She asks rubbing her arms.

"No, I'm good." I cross my arms over my chest. What does she want?

"So, how are you Liam?"

"Danielle, cut to the chase. What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I'm visiting my parents and friends." She loses her smile.

"Not here in London. I meant here, at my house." I state plainly

"I wanted to see how you are."

"I'm very good. Thank you. Now I must go." I say turning to go inside. She grabs my arm.

"No! Liam wait!" She exclaims. I turn to look at her.

"What?" I ask.

"At least let me see Loki." She says quietly. I nod and let her inside. Loki was after all, both our dog. She bends down to pet him, but he scurries away.

"Loki, come here boy!" She calls out. Loki peers at her curiously from behind me. Then he cautiously approaches Danielle. She lets him sniff her, and then she pets him. Soon he lets her rub his tummy. I smile.

"Liam, I'm really sorry I hurt you." She says after a while, she's still rubbing Loki.

"It's all in the past." I reply.

"I just wanted to apologize personally, face to face." She says standing up. I look at her.

"Apology accepted. Now if you can, I have dinner plans." I walk to the door but Danielle doesn't move.

"With Camilla?" She asks me.


"I hear you two are dating." She states. I nod.

"Yeah, two months now." Why does she care who I date?

"So it's really serious?" She asks moving towards the bookshelves.

"Yeah." I say walking behind her.

"Do you love her?" She asks me while running her finger over a picture frame of me and my sisters.

"Why do you care?" I ask, looking at her seriously. She has no right to be here, to come back after all this time.

"It's a simple question Liam. Do you or do you not love Camilla?" She asks again getting closer to me.

"I do." I say.

"You do? Are you sure?" She runs her hand over my chest. I pull away.

"Yes I'm sure Danielle. Now can you leave so I can go?" I point at the door.

"Liam, face it. You only think of Camilla as a friend." She says running her hands up my arm and settling on my shoulder. I pull back again.

"Please leave." I say.

"Liam, don't lie to yourself, you can never love Camilla the way you loved me." She states and that angers me.

"I do love Camilla. She has been there when you left me broken. You have no right to walk into my life and shake things up! No right!" I say raising my voice at her.

"Liam, I made a mistake. Leaving you was a stupid move. I still love you. I haven't dated anyone since we broke up. Please give us a chance." She says calmly and then she pulls me towards her and plants her lips on mine. I don't move because I am shocked. But then I react and pull away.

"What was that?" I ask shocked.

"A demonstration of my love." She says with a small smile on her lips.

"You need to leave." I say. I walk to the door and open it. She sighs and walks to the door but stops in front of me.

"When you realize that you don't love Camilla and you won't, I'll be here waiting." She pecks me on the lips and leaves. I close the door and lean against it. Do I still love Danielle? Do I really love Camilla? Ugh! I'm so confused now. I look at my watch, its way past the time I said that would meet Cam for dinner. I go upstairs and grab my mobile, it has 5 missed calls and 4missed texts. 3 of the calls and two of the texts are from Niall, the rest are from Cam. I run back downstairs and grab my car keys. I drive as fast as I can without getting in trouble with the police. I park and race to Cam's flat.

What am I gonna do? Danielle is right, I can't forget all those years her and I were together. I loved her with all my heart and soul. And Cam... I do love her, but...I'm torn between the past and the present. What will I do?


A/N: what do you think is gonna happen? Are you nervous for what is coming? or am i predictable?



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