Chapter Five: Dinner Time!

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Chapter Five:


After work, I stopped by the market. I had to get some ingredients, and then I headed home. I immediately went to my room to change and I began to cook. I started with the chicken, it’ll take a while to cook. After that was done I made the enchiladas. I had all the ingredients ready, the chopped onions, the red chili salsa, the tortillas, the cheese, and the chicken. After I finished them, I put them in the oven with a timer on. Don’t wanna burn the food. Then I ran upstairs to shower. After I got out, I semi blow dried my hair, threw on a flowy floral dress and my red ballet flats. Then I ran back downstairs to check on the food. Almost ready and the people should be arriving soon. I was grabbing some earrings from my room, when I heard a knock. I ran back downstairs and opened the door.

“Welcome!” I screamed.

“Thanks Cam. Why did you scream?” asks Niall.

“Sorry, drank some wine while I cooked.” I told him as he pecked my cheek. The other lads hug me and the girls too. I close the door behind them all.

“Brought some cookies that I baked.” Danielle tells me.

“Great. Here I’ll take them.” I grab the container from her. Then I head to the kitchen.

“Need any help?” asks Liam behind me.

“Sure, can you set the table?” I ask while taking the salad out of the fridge.

“Yeah, okay.” He goes and grabs 9 plates.

“Actually Liam, its 12 plates.” I tell him.

“12?” He grabs two more.

“Yeah, I invited Olga, Adam and Tori.”  I check on the enchiladas, done. I hear another knock, “Niall, can u get the door?!!”

“Yeah!!” I hear him get up. Then I hear the door open.

“Hello.” That’s Olga.

“Hi.” That’s Niall.

“Hello.” That’s Tori.

“Hello Everybody!” that’s Adam. My crazy friend, he’s the guy version of me. I walk out from the kitchen to the living room.

“Hey girly’s.” I say to them. I hug both. “And Adam, my best boy friend.” I hug him.

“Whatcha up to gorgeous?”

“Not much.” I turn to face the 1D lads and their girls, “Everybody, this is Tori Smith and everybody knows Olga Cho and Adam. These are the 1D lads, and those are their girls. Eleanor, Perrie and Daniele.” I point them out to Tori.  “Well, dinner is ready, sit at the table. I’ll bring the food.” I look back at Niall, his mouth is open and he’s looking at Tori very intently. “Um… Niall?” he looks at me, “You might want to close your mouth and the door.” I pat his arm.

“Um… Right.” He closes the door and walks to the dining room. I wonder what he’s thinking.



Cam’s friend Tori looks like an angel. I know that sounds like I’m exaggerating, but she is beyond beautiful. She has long dirty blond hair, cute freckles across her cheeks and nose and the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. They are the color of the deep blue ocean.

“Let’s eat, I’m starving.” I hear her say. I see Cam bringing the food out, she turns and looks at me.

“Are you coming?” she asks. Everybody is seated, and the only one that is left is the one in front of Tori. Can this be a sign?

“Yeah, coming.” I walk over and sit down. I look at Tori, she smiles at me and I smile back. Yup, I’m a gone with that smile.


Author's Note: so, what do you say? do u like? I'll post another part of this chappy later. Bye.

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