Chapter Thirty-Six: Change is Good?

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Chapter Thirty-Six: Change is Good?


Since I have no contact with you know whom, I have taken to look at her twitter account. I don't want to hurt Danielle, but I need to know how Cam is doing. And even if I asked the lads, they wouldn't tell me. They're protecting her like the Queen, I don't blame them.

So, I scroll down her tweets and chuckle at one that says: 'Out with my besty, @AdamTheBoss !! Fun night out! #epic' then there is a picture. I inhale loudly when I see it. Cam has cut off her hair!! Why would she do that?! Did she do that because of me?!

"Babe? You okay?" I hear Danielle ask me. I look up and see her coming towards me.

"Yeah babe, I'm good. Just saw some shocking news online." I say smiling at her. I look at Niall because he's standing there looking at me.

"Liar." He mouths so Danielle can't see or hear. I frown at him.

"You sure?" Danielle asks me.

"Yeah, go back to work." I say and she nods. She turns to face her laptop again. My phone beeps. It's a text from Niall.

I know u saw her pic. Leave her alone. I look uo and Niall is staring me down. I text back with:

I am leaving her alone. She cut off her hair, why?

Cuz she wanted to. I look at Niall and he shrugs.

But why? I ask again, I need to know that it's not my fault she went and chopped off her beautiful hair.

Leave it be Liam. Don't flatter urself.

What's your problem? I ask, then I see him read it then I see him type angrily into the phone

What's my problem?!! You're foolish and you've hurt Cam, that's my problem. I type back:

I know I've hurt her. How is she? I get the nerve to ask him about her, I don't think he'll tell me, but I gotta ask. I watch him read my text.

You have no idea what it has been like for her. And you don't deserve to know, but...she's doing better. What it has been like for her? What have I done? Did I break her so bad she can't be put back together?

Please explain. I watch as Niall reads my text and then looks at me. He nods and texts me:

Meet me outside, now! I nod and stuff my phone into my pocket.

"Danni, Niall and I are gonna get some air." I tell her before walking out of the tour bus.

"Sure babe." I see her nod and then resume typing.

"So...what how has it been for her?" I ask Niall. He's pacing back and forth, running his hand through his hair.

"First of all I shouldn't even inform you about her, but you need to know that she's not the same Cam." He says stopping in-front of me and looking into my eyes.

"What do you mean?" I ask him, worried.

"It means that she was truly in love with you. It means you broke her heart. It means she's not the same bubbly, joking and loving girl you left. It means she's severely serious, she's cold, and she's eerily quiet."  Niall says to me and I can see how worried he is for Camilla.

"Niall, she's the one who told me to leave. She's the one who broke us up. What did you want me to do?" I ask him and he throws his hands up in frustration.

"Ughh!!! Why can't you see?!!" he says loudly.

"See what?" I ask exasperated. Harry and Louis come out of the tour bus.

"What are you lads up to?" asks Louis.

"Trying to make him understand." Says Niall. Harry and Louis nod.

"Take it we are talking about Camilla." Says Harry.

"Yeah." I say. "Niall, explain yourself." I say to him.

"Okay, what would you have done if when you and Camilla were dating she told you she wasn't sure if she likes Chris or you?" Niall says to me.

"Dog park bloke?" I ask and Niall nods. "I would..." I pause, what would have I done? "I would give her space and time to make up her mind." I say.

"So you would let her go?" asks Harry. I think about it, for Camilla space and time does mean letting her go, I nod.

"That's exactly what Camilla did with you." Louis says. "She let you go so you could make up your mind, which you did." He says with an odd smile.

"Hey, mates. What are you doing out here?" asks Zayn coming out.

"Talking." I say to him.

"About?" he asks and we all stare at him, "Oh..." he says realizing that we are talking about Camilla. "What about her?" he asks.

"We finally made Liam understand why Cam dumped his lame bum." Says Louis.

"Thanks." I say.

"Anytime mate." He says and I frown at him.

"Lou, you have a problem with me?" I ask him. Harry, Niall, and Zayn look back and forth between us.

"Yeah, there is. You need to leave Camilla alone." He says to me.

"I am." I say. And Lou shakes his head.

"Did you know that Eleanor talked to Danielle about you two." He says and this shocks me.

"About me and Cam?" I ask and Lou nods. "What about?"

"Danielle swore that you were not in love with Camilla and that all you needed was someone to make you aware of that." he says and I stay silent. "Eleanor told her to leave things alone, not to cause problems for you and Cam, but Danni didn't listen to her. So my problem has to do with what Danielle did and what you decided." He says to me.

"You're angry that I chose Danielle over Camilla." I say and he nods.

"I think we all are." Says Niall.  Harry, Zayn and Louis nod.

"I'm sorry mates, but Danielle was right. I wasn't in love with Camilla. I'm in love with Danielle." I say to them.

"If you have to repeat to yourself that you're in love with Danielle, does it make you believe in it more?" Says Harry.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"It means keep telling yourself what you need to, to make it through the day." Says Harry before turning around and walking back into the tour bus.

"Danielle called Camilla the rebound girl, I guess she was right." Says Louis before walking away with Zayn.

"Rebound girl?" I say and Niall looks at me.

"Liam, if you love Danielle why do you feel the need to see, talk or know what Camilla is up to?" he asks me.

"Because we were friends first." I say.

"Friends, right." he says then walks away. That is why I need to know about Camilla. Friend wise, that's it. I walk back to the tour bus and sit next to Danielle.

"You okay Babe?" she asks me.

"Yeah, I'm good." I say with a smile. I feel Niall watching me and when I look at him he looks bummed out. I look away and kiss Danielle. Danielle is the one I love. I think.



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