Chapter Thirty-Nine: If You Fail, Try Again

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A/N: Okay, it's time someone knocked some sense into Liam. Enjoy!


Chapter Thirty-Nine: If You Fail, Try Again


After calling Camilla and her not wanting to talk to me, I kinda gave up. I know what you're thinking. That I'm a loser, a stupid idiot, but I don't know what else to do and Niall and the lads are hiding Camilla from me. I was lying on my bed at my parents house when my mum walks in. I was lost in my own thoughts.

"Liam? Honey, are you okay?" She asks me.

"Yeah mum, I'm okay." I say. She sits on the bed.

"Liam, hon. Talk to me." She pats my leg.

"What's there to talk about, I've lost her." I say still lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling.

"And by her, I assume we are talking about Camilla." My mum says.

"Yeah, who else would I be talking about?" I sit up and look at my mom.

"I don't know, maybe Danielle." She says, looking at me with an amused look.

"Mum, Danielle wasn't the one. Danielle and I broke up because she noticed that us getting back together would never be the same. We both knew it was best to end it." I say. I'm not bummed out about the break up, in fact I think is the smartest thing I've done since kissing Camilla.

"And Camilla is?" She asks.

I stop and think, "Yeah, I think she is. I truly love Camilla. I do. I just noticed it too late. My love for her is more than a friendship; it’s honest to god love." I smile. My mum shakes me slightly.

"What happened?" She asks me.

"She let me go, I was confused about Danielle when she came back to London and I thought that Camilla and I we're better off separate but..." I trail off.

"You were wrong. Right?" She asks.

"Yeah. I was so wrong." I nod.

"What is it that you want from Camilla?" She asks me.

"I want...something real. Something I know I can have with Camilla." I say to her.

"And how do you know that?" she asks me, my mum can give clarity to anything.

"Because I had a snippet of it when we were together but I let myself get caught up in the familiarity of Danielle." I say after thinking about it.

"You want Companionship" she says quietly.

"What's that?" I ask.

"It means having a feeling of friendship or togetherness." She explains to me.

"And why do I want that?" I ask confused.

 "Because you want someone who loves you, someone who cares for you and someone who is always there for you no matter what. I’m sure Camilla gave you all that." She says. I think about it, that's exactly what I want.

"She did. But… how can I be sure when I've found her?" I ask my mum. She smiles and then says,

"You know two ways, when you meet her or when you lose her." she says to me and I nod.

"Camilla." I say. I knew the moment we met that it was something special. And now losing her I know it even more.

 "Just think about it Liam." She pays my arm and kisses my forehead. "Think about it." And she walks away. I keep thinking about what my mum said, about companionship and the things I could have had if I hadn't been a blind jerk. I pull on my sweatpants and a sweatshirt and running shoes. I need to go out for a run, clear my mind and think about what I need to do.

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