Chapter Twenty-Eight: Broken And In Pain

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A/N: And here is the aftermath of the CIAM break up..... sad face =(



Chapter Twenty-Eight: Broken And In Pain


I feel numb. I stopped crying and got out of the tub because I was turning all wrinkly. I changed into my purple sweatpants and a big sweatshirt. Then I threw myself on my bed, ignoring all the text messages and phone calls. I plugged my earphones in my iPod and I blasted Emile Sandè "Suitcase." It's the song that mostly fits what just happened. It's not that the fact that Liam and I are no longer together hasn't sunk in, it's the fact that Liam and I are never gonna see each other again. I can't go back to being his loyal and always there best friend. I can't, not after crossing that line. There is no turning back. My impending life without Liam scares me. All I ever know is Liam being in my life, since kids.

And you know what's worse, I don't hate Danielle. I don't blame her even though she walked into my life and ruined it. It's like I knew that this was bound to happen. I know I love Liam but he never said it to me. And in a way, I understand Liam. Danielle and him make sense, they have already proven that they work as a couple and it's familiar. Liam and I, we were better off as friends and now we don't even have that. I gave it a try. I set my heart on the line and looked what happened. And I know, deep down, that Liam and I could have worked if we had tried. If he had given us a try, but he chose familiarity over something new and promising.

I feel vacant and soulless. How am I gonna get over this heartache? How? I'm so deep in thought I don't notice that Olga, Mac, and Tori are inside my house until Olga nudges me.



I seriously thought I was gonna have to bang down Camilla's door. She wasn't picking up texts or calls and now she wasn't opening her door. I was beyond nervous, Cam is my best friend and I don't want to see her broken. I opened the door quickly and we searched for her. We found her in her room lying down looking at the ceiling with earphones on. She looks vacant and deep in thought. I swear, if I ever see Liam, I will break his nose for breaking Camilla.

"Camilla?" I say to her. She slides the headphones off.

"Hey." She says her voice without life.

"Honey? What happened?" Asks Eleanor.

"Liam and I broke up." She says looking at the ceiling.

"Why?" Asks Tori.

"Danielle went to see him. He's confused."

"Confused? About what?" I ask. Now I wanna run him over with my car.

"About being with me. About maybe still loving Danielle." She says with no emotion.

"Hon...." I start. She stands up,

"I don't want pity. I want to not talk about it. I want silence, okay?" She says. We nod. She walks to the kitchen and we follow.

"What do you wanna do?" Asks Tori. Camilla shrugs,

"Nothing. I just wanna sleep forever and never wake up." She says quietly.

"How about we watch a movie?" I ask. She nods.

"Sure, why not." She says with a vacant voice. She sits down in the couch.

"What do you wanna see?" Asks Eleanor.

"Whatever." I sit next to her and we end up watching Maid Of Honor. I look at Camilla and I can tell she wants to cry. Stupid Liam! If he ever crosses paths with me he better run. You don't break my best friend and get away with it.



I seriously wanna slap Danielle because after what I told her, she went and did what she wanted anyways. She went and ruined Camilla's happiness. She screwed with Liam's brain, confused him. And stupid Liam let himself be confused. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Right now we're watching a movie with Camilla. She's scaring the heck out of me. She's quiet, her voice is lifeless, she stares at things without really looking at them, she's not laughing, she won't talk about what happened and I don't think that's good.

At one point during the movie, Camilla starts shaking with silent sobs. She lays her head on her knees and she has her arms wrapped around her legs. Olga and I try to calm her down.

"Cam, what's wrong? Hon, talk to us." I plead with her, but she just keeps on crying.

"Camilla, talk to us. We can't help if you don't talk to us." Says Olga and I can tell she's losing patience. Tori kneels in front of Camilla and says,

"Cammy, sweetie just tell us what's wrong." But Cam doesn't respond she just keeps on crying.

"Cam, talk to us!" pleads Mac.

"I wanna run over Patrick Dempsey with my car for being a stupid idiot and not realizing sooner that he was in love with Michelle Mohanigan." She says then she stops crying and beings to laugh like a lunatic. We just look at her, shocked.

"That's it!" Yells Olga. "Camilla Alejandra Rojas!" She yells her full name out and Cam looks up, Olga is standing in front of her, hands on her hips looking menacingly. "Tell us what happened! Now!" She yells and Cam stares at her, she's stopped laughing and in her eyes I can see anger, she's hurt by what Liam did. Camilla stands up and she's shaking with rage.

"You want me to tell you!!!" She yells. "Fine!!! You wanna know that Liam left me for someone else!!!! That he doesn't love me!!!! Is that it?!!!" She yells.

"And how are you holding up?!" Asks Olga more quietly.

"How am I holding up?!" Says Camilla with a shocked tone. "I feel like my heart was ripped out of me! Like I won't ever recover! Like the bloke I'm in love with won't love me back! How the hell do you think I feel?!!!" Cam screams then she drops to the floor crying again. "I...hate...him!" She sobs out. I wrap my arms around her. "I...hate...him!"

Then she says more quietly. "I love him." Olga grabs Cam in her arms and rocks her back and forth,

"I know you do honey. I know you do."Olga looks at me. It breaks us to see her broken. Camilla threw herself into this relationship and Liam broke her.


A/N: until next time my beautiful and loyal lovely's. comment-vote.

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