Chapter Twenty-Two: Dress Shopping 101

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Dress Shopping 101


Okay, so Liam and I are shopping at a boutique that Eleanor told me about, since I don’t know anything about dresses. Here we are, shopping. I haven’t found one I like, and Liam picks the ugliest things ever. At the same time, we’re joking. We started a competition to see who could find the ugliest dress. The score it 6-3, I’m losing.

At one point he gave me a dress that even my grad-mum would hate. And she likes things that look like old couches. I found one that had a bunch of cutouts, and when I came out of the dressing room, Liam took off his jacket and placed over me and ushered me back to the dressing room. I was laughing like crazy. Then Liam gave a guy a dirty look for looking at me. That just made me laugh even more. It's funny to see Liam act like that.

I go grab another dress from the rack, its bright red. Liam hands me a neon pink one and one that looks like a rain coat. I try them on. First up, the red one. It barely covers my butt, and it’s got a big v-neck plunge line. I walk out and Liam’s mouth falls open. I wink at him. He walks over to me,

“Um… no.” he says and pushes me towards the dressing room. A woman my age comes up to me,

“Can I borrow the dress if it’s a no?” she’s so thin and tall she could be a model.

“Yeah.” I say, getting in the dressing room and taking that off. I hand it over to Liam so he can hand it to the the lady. I try on the neon pink one. It’s strapless and it has some weird pattern going on. I show Liam.

“Yeah…no.” he says, then that model-look alike walks out with the red dress on, his mouth drops. I swat his arm and raise an eyebrow at him. “You looked way better.” He whispers in my ear. I smile.

“I better.” I say in a mean tone, and then I burst out laughing. He laughs with me.

“7-4” he says of our score. I go and try the ugly raincoat dress thing. I look like a bat. I show him and he laughs.

“I’m glad one of us is laughing.” I look in the mirror. “I look like a bat.” I state.

“Yeah! You do!” Liam says behind me. I go take it off and change back into my clothes. This store was a bust. I can't seem to find a decent dress. How hard can it be to find a dress?

 We drive to Starbucks for a break. I get a mint-chocolate frappuccino. Liam got an iced tea. We drink our drinks and chat. I like that with Liam I can say anything to him and he listens closely.

We head to Top Shop; Eleanor said I might find something that I like here, I really hope she's right. Liam hands me a neon green mini-dress. I slip it on and I look like a bug or something. He takes a picture and sends it to Niall. I take that thing off and hand it back. 

While I try on a black and red block dress, my phone beeps. I look at it, it's Niall.

Love! the dress. =)

I decide that since he's been a jerk and clowning on me, I will make him believe that I did love the dress. Take that Niall!!!

Really? Me too! I hit send.

You're joking Right? that thing was beyond ugly!

I laugh and type out my message:

Really? I thought I looked good!

No! did you really like it?

heck no! I'm messing w/ you. =)

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