Chapter Twenty-Three: Food Fights and Dancing

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Chapter Twenty-Three: Food Fights and Dancing


Liam went out to attend some business. We have two days before we head to his mums house for that family get together. I was writing, but now I’m getting hungry. I’m about to head into my kitchen, when my doorbell rings. I walk over and peek through the peephole, it’s Niall.

“Hey!” I say to him when I open the door. “Come in.” I say.

“Cammy!!” he says hugging me.

“Why aren’t you with Tori?” I ask him once he’s inside.

“She went to visit her parents. I’ve been hogging her.” He says smiling at me. “How are you?”

“I’m great, thanks for asking.” I say.

“Where’s Liam?” he asks me.

“He went to take care of some things.” I say. I walk to the kitchen. “You hungry?” I ask.

“Starving!” he says. I laugh because I knew the answer to that.

“Okay then, let me make you something.” I say and I turn on the radio while Niall and I chat.



I walk up to Camilla's flat and I hear laughing and music. I wonder what's going on in there. I unlock the front door and as soon as I walk I spot Niall sitting on a bar stool watching as Cam cooks.

"Hey!" She says as she sees me.

"Liam, what's up mate?!" Says Niall, he's chewing on what looks like a brownie.

"Hey. What's going on?" I ask because Cam has chocolate smudges on her cheeks and Niall has chocolate in his hair.

"He started it!!" Yells Camilla pointing at Niall.

"No!!! She started it!!" Yells Niall

"Started what?" I ask them. They smile sheepishly at me.

"The food fight." Says Camilla looking at me shyly. I smile,

"A what?"

"He came over," Camilla says pointing at Niall, "I got hungry and we started to make sandwiches. And after we ate. We made brownies, but before we could put them to bake, Niall dirtied my cheeks with chocolate. And so I put some in his hair. After that the food fight started." She finishes looking at me smiling.

"You two can't be left alone can't you?" I ask laughing. I bend down and kiss Camilla's chocolaty cheeks. "Yum!" I say.

"Ugh!!! Stop!! You make me wanna puke!!!" Yells Niall covering his face.

"Oh yeah?!!" Yells Camilla. She walks over to Niall and starts to tickle him. He gets up and tries to run, but Camilla tackles him and continues to tickle him.

"Stop Cam!!!" He yells.

"Say you're sorry!!" She yells.

"I'm sorry!!! I'm sorry!!!" He yells.

"Okay." She stops, "You're forgiven." She says getting up from the floor. I shake my head at her but she only shrugs at me. In the background "Beautiful" by Ben Rector plays. I grab Cam and pull her to dance with me. She giggles while I twirl her and I keep dancing with her. Niall just chuckles.



I stand up for where Camilla tackled me. I watch as Liam and Camilla dance. I pull out my phone and video tape them, they look like they're in their own little world. The look that Camilla gives Liam is one of pure and honest love. After the song ends, Cam returns to washing the dishes while Liam and I play Fifa. My phone rings and I check caller ID. It's Tori,I pause the game.

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