Chapter Twenty-Five:Determination and Confusion

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A/N: Hello, here is chapter 25. Hope you like it. I find it necessary to warn of the next events that are about to happen. It's for drama and sake of the story. It's needed. You'll find out later why.

Chapter Twenty-Five: Determination and Confusion

My first time back in London since I left in January. It's almost nine months since I left. Apparently so much has changed, on one hand Liam and Camilla are dating and she has her own column in GLAM that people flock to. Then we have the fact that she was on tour with One Direction. But what has shocked me the most is Liam and Camilla. I mean, what the heck? I knew Cam was in love with Liam, and maybe that's why I never really liked her, but Liam liking Camilla? He must be confused or something. For all I know she's the rebound for Liam, he can't be in love with her.

I called Eleanor to see if she could pick me up from the airport, which she said she would. So here I am, grabbing my luggage and walking to find Elle. I spot her.

"Elle!" I say when I reach her. We embrace.

"Danni! How are you?" She asks once we pull apart.

"Great. You?" I say as we walk to her car.

"Good. Lou and are still dating. Niall, Harry and Zayn are also dating." She remarks. I notice she avoids Liam. Perrie told me that Liam is dating Cam; she keeps in touch with Elle, as have I, but I've been real busy with the whole dance studio project.

"And Liam?" I ask.

"He's also dating." She says quietly.

"Elle, I know about Cam and him." I say to her, she looks at me surprised.

"How?!" she exclaims.

"Perrie." I remark setting my luggage in Elle's car.

"Oh!" She says.

"So, how long have they been dating?"

"About two months now." She starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot.

"Really?" I say surprised.

"Yeah. They seem..." she trails off.

"They seem what?" I ask. "In love?"

"Yeah." She says keeping the eyes on the road.

"Are you sure? I mean, they're friends. So it can't be serious, right?" I ask.

"Friends-I think they've moved past that now. Cam has really helped him move on."

"Move on? From me?" I ask and Eleanor looks uncomfortable.

"Yeah?" She looks at me cautiously.

"Elle, what Camilla doesn't know is that she is the rebound girl. Liam will eventually see that they can only be friends and break up. Then Cam and Liam won't be friends because they crossed the friendship line." I say. And I can help make him see that, I'm still in love with Liam. I will always be, I haven't even dated in these past months.

"Danni, I think that this is serious. They make sense..." She starts but I cut her off.

"And Liam and I don't?" I question. "Liam was with me for years. We've been through a lot. He can't forget that."

"And he hasn't. But I don't think he feels the same as he used to for you." she says to me.

"Eleanor, I love Liam. I've missed him and I want him back in my life. I won't let him be taken away." I say after a while.

"Danielle, think about Cam and her feelings. How would she feel?" She asks me. Think about Camilla? Screw Camilla! She swoops in and helps Liam move on from me; no I don't care much for Camilla.

"She'll get over it. But Liam and I are meant to be."I say after a while.

"We'll you should've thought of that before you let him go! Leave him be. He doesn't need this drama." She snaps at me. I'm shocked. "What happens when you go back to New York? Do make things work or will you leave him again?" She asks me. She's pulled over and stopped the car.

"Eleanor, you don't understand. Leaving Liam was my worst decision ever. And I want to make it right." I say to her, trying to make her understand.

"Things are alright! Can't you see that?!" She says getting frustrated with me. "Liam is happy. You didn't see him when he was torn apart. You weren't there to help him back up in his feet. You didn't stand by him even when he pushed you away. You didn't see his pain, his anger, his sadness. You didn't have to deal with him blaming himself for you leaving him. But you know who did?" she asks me, I shake my head 'No'. "Camilla did! She never left him. Even when he didn't want her around, she stuck around. And when the paparazzi attacked her and called her names, she brushed it off. And when some of the fans treated her wrong and called her names, she never said a bad word about them; she took it and even wished them luck in life." She stops and takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry, but where were you? You gave up on him. You grew tired off all the name calling and pressure. You chased fame instead of chasing love. You don't think I get tired of people being rude to me? Of the name calling? Of the death treats? The paparazzi stalking? I do. But I love Louis and I won't ever leave him or give up on him and our love. You and Perrie gave up. I'm sorry that I'm being mean, but you need to understand. Cam was there not only for Liam but also for Zayn. When he was broken and torn and hurt, Camilla was there. So face it Danielle, things are alright here. Don't go causing drama and stirring up pain because things are good here." She stops talking and beings driving again.

I'm speechless. I know she's right, but I still have to try. It might be too late but I have to try. This time I am chasing love.
I'm getting ready to go have dinner with Camilla. She invited over Niall and Tori, so it's like a double date. Of course Camilla is cooking, she won't let anyone else cook. I'm not complaining, she's an amazing cook.

We have two more weeks of vacation then back to tour. My mum is having a get together and Camilla is going. All the lads and their families have been invited. It's gonna be great, my mum and family are really happy that Camilla and I are together. So are the blokes from the band and me, I've never been more happy.

I haven't said anything about our new relationship to the fans because I know how much Cam loves her privacy. That can wait, for now they think we're really good friends.

I finish getting dressed and I go brush my teeth. I'm almost done brushing my teeth when I hear my doorbell ring. I spit the tooth paste out and rinse. Then I run downstairs and open the door. The person I find standing there gives me so much shock I think I'm seeing things. I blink twice, but she's still here, on my steps, in front of me.

"Hello Liam." Says Danielle.

"Danielle." I whisper. She smiles. What is she doing here?

A/N: OMG!!!! What do you think Danielle wants? AHHHHHH!!!!! Are you freaking out? No?

Anybody surprised by Eleanor's reaction?



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